Below the Moon by Alexis Marie Chute

Below the Moon by Alexis Marie Chute

Release: October 15th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: SparkPress
Source: iRead Book Tours
Find it at:  Amazon , Ebooks



Book Description:

Ella Wellsley is not your typical teenager. Though Cancer left her mute, she is not powerless. Still, trapped in a parallel dimension, Ella rallies her strength to join her family in locating the cure to her illness. This includes her mother, Tessa, her grandpa Archie, and her magical boyfriend.

The fate of all worlds entangles the cure. The presence of evil star anchored in the sea threatens her. The Star has thrown life everywhere into chaos.Only Ella who holds the key to unlocking its mystery.
Against a web of betrayal, mistaken identities, secrets, and love triangles, Ella, Tessa, and Archie must overcome their troubled pasts. This will ensure them a future for all worlds. They are armed with unearthly abilities and unexpected allies on this journey. Hence, each member of the Wellsley family will learn the power of love in the face of their greatest fears.

About the Author:

Alexis Marie Chute is an award-winning author, artist, photographer, art curator, filmmaker, and public speaker. Also, she has received over 40 noteworthy distinctions for her visual and literary work. Her award-winning fantasy series The 8th Island Trilogy includes, Above the Star, Below the Moon, and Inside the Sun. The perpetual You Magazine described the series as “A WRINKLE IN TIME meets THE PRINCESS BRIDE” and “Fast and bizarre… never a dull moment” by Forward Reviews.

The 8th Island Trilogy “weaves STAR WARS-like characters with a WONDER-like message to form an enrapturing read for blooklovers of all ages” – US Review of Books. On the top Kirkus title of 2017 were Chute’s bestselling memoir, Expecting Sunshine: A Journey of Grief, Healing and Pregnancy After Loss, with a plethora of other literary distinctions. Interestingly, a feature documentary of the same name accompanied the memoir , which has screened internationally for the last three years.

Besides, Chute received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Design from the University of Alberta, Canada, and studied at Media Design school in Auckland, New Zealand. She graduated valedictorian with her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA, USA. She has given Public speeches on art, writing, bereavement, and the healing capacities of creativity around the world

Contact the Author/Artist for bookings When not in her art/photo studio or at her computer, Chute loves to spend quality time with her family, read fiction and non-fiction, watch reality TV, paddleboard, and canoe. She is not a winter person but lives in frosty Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with her husband and their three living children.

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Below the Moon Review:

In one word, this book was just EPIC! As this is the second book, it immediately continue from the end of Book one. It is filled with action packed adventure as the characters continue their journey.

The story belong to Archie in my opinion. He is the front runner for the most part, which I loved. I really enjoyed how he learns about his family history. I absolutely loved the reveal of how he is connected to the bigger picture. Similarly, I feel bad for Tessa. In book one, she faces horrible hallucinations, and in this book she is kidnapped and tortured. She doesn’t get a break. However, I loved the scenes where she is with Finnah and chats with Ella. Speaking of Finnah, I was amazed by the creative creatures the author introduces like the Shellark, Sprites, Huppers and the Haaz. All these characters add so well to the plot. On a side note, I adored Lillium.

The author does an amazing job with the world building and its history. The plot is fast and gripping which ultimately leads to an epic battle in the end. However, there are so many characters included in the climax that it was difficult to keep track of who was doing what. Moreover, a LOT of things happen in the story for which I actually had to write footnotes to keep track. I wish the author had slowed the pacing just a bit at times. Also, I felt like Tessa’s love triangle with Nate and Arden did not progress anywhere. It remains the same as it was in book one which was disappointing.

Overall, “Below the Moon” is a very nice sequel and I am interested for the final book in the series.

Book Trailer:




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Below the Moon

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