Bittersweet Injuries

Bittersweet Injuries by Kateri Stanley

Release: 28th September 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: ‎  Independently published 
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Some secrets can last for centuries.

Marcus Weaving is a retired psychology lecturer and therapist. Not a man to sit around, he volunteers at his local university. Years of clinical practice are put to the test when he receives a mischievous text from somebody called L.

Intrigued and unnerved, Marcus goes to the address provided and a beautiful blonde woman named Lily  welcomes him. Their story goes way back to his tumultuous youth when he had to flee from his abusive mother and other demons skulking around.

Timing for a romantic reunion could not be any worse. Marcus is about to become a grandfather and he has ongoing issues with his estranged, drug addicted son.

Why has Lily shown up after all of this time? And, why hasn’t she aged a day?

About the Author:

Kateri Stanley is a dark fiction author.
Her books include bestselling debut horror FORGIVE ME, fantasy thriller FROM THE DEEP and the soon-to-be-released, BITTERSWEET INJURIES.

By day, she works for a charity supporting people in prison with debt and gambling issues.

She lives with her partner and cat in the Midlands, UK. Katery has a degree in Arts and Humanities. She loves eating chocolate, watching films, telly and game cut-scenes, annoying her boyfriend and looking after her two cats.

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Bittersweet Injuries Review:

To start off, I want to mention that this story is truly one-of-a-kind. The author crafts an intriguing time travel narrative with a sprinkle of the paranormal, guiding our protagonist, Lily, through pivotal historical events. From her encounters with figures like Jack the Ripper and Margaret Thatcher to her experiences during World War II and the Black Dahlia mystery, it’s captivating to witness how the author blends reality and fiction in this twisted plot.Furthermore, I appreciate how the author weaves a tapestry of personal and professional challenges for Lily, shedding light on the intricacies of her life as a spy. Balancing her covert duties with personal relationships and the well-being of her companions adds depth to her character. The author skillfully portrays Lily’s doubts and insecurities in her fieldwork, along with her interactions with colleagues and the hurdles they encounter in their line of duty.What truly sets this story apart, though, is the remarkable chemistry between Marcus and Lily. Their bond is heartwarming, and I thoroughly enjoyed how their dynamics unfolded, even in the presence of characters like Greg Patrick and the devious Azrael. Duncan and Paige also left a memorable mark in the story.In summary, “Bittersweet Injuries” stands out as one of the most unique and captivating tales you’ll come across. The author’s creative thinking shines through, making it a novel that keeps you on your toes. The cliffhanger ending leaves you eagerly anticipating the next installment in this series.
Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Bittersweet Injuries by Kateri Stanley Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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