Blacktelligence Rules

Blacktelligence Rules by Andrew Komarnyckyj

Release:1st October 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: SpellBound Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours




Adam Benedict, a 28-year-old researcher, comes across a startling discovery about race and intelligence. Then he sets in motion a deadly chain of events.

As he tries to get his results published, he finds his work is tampered with to make it appear riddled with errors. He is discredited and denounced as a fraud, a liar, and worse. He endures a storm of criticism in social media . And is hounded by the press for spreading views that are deemed toxic.

It becomes clear there is a conspiracy against him, and the conspirators will use any means possible to silence him, up to and including murder.

As Benedict races against the clock to clear his name, he realises the truth is more likely to get him killed than set him free.

And he has to make a decision: is a truth that will change the way humanity views race worth laying his life on the line for?

About the Author:

Andrew Komarnyckyj has been a lawyer, odd-job man, PR Consultant, hospital porter, and plongeur among many other occupations. It’s the classic work history of an author but it wasn’t planned that way. It was a happy accident which has stood him in good stead for writing novels.

His literary tastes range across every fiction genre including – perhaps inevitably – postmodernism, with which he has a love-hate relationship.

When not writing or reading he loves conversation, listening to anecdotes, craft beers, and hiking in mountains.

On a personal note he’s married with two adult daughters.

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Blacktelligence Rules Review:

When I started reading this story, I didn’t expect “Blacktelligence Rules” to be so fast-paced. The author makes the story so thrilling that I was at the edge of my seat in the second half, wondering what would happen to Benedict. As the plot deepens, your heart goes out to Benedict because you see just how much danger surrounds him and wonder what will happen to him. Some notable moments that stood out are when intruders come and Adam blacks out, the events behind the Netlopedia entry, and the exciting climax. The last four chapters in the book were like high adrenaline, where you couldn’t miss reading a word.

Adam Benedict is great as the lead. The author wrote him well, where you see his paranoia settle about conspiracies as he tries to figure out who is trying to ruin his name. Moreover, the supporting characters blend in nicely. I enjoyed Benedict’s relationship with Fay and how he gets protective. Similarly, I enjoyed the scenes with Father Spike and the words of encouragement. Even Powell, Bron, and Thorne added nicely to the plot.

Thirdly, I enjoyed the theme of the story that the author touches upon, on race, and highlights some of the racial injustice and problems we face in society in a very indirect but effective manner. On a side note, the book also inspired me to research more on the Rwandan Genocide that the author highlights. My only criticism of the story was in connecting the character names. For instance, the author refers to Bron as “Bron” in a few places and “De Souza” in others. It would have been nice to use the same name for consistency.

If you love action-packed, fast-paced thrillers like “The Bourne Identity,” you should read “Blackintelligence Rules.”

Book Tour Schedule:

Blacktelligence Rules

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Blacktelligence Rules by Andrew Komarnyckyj Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.



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