Bones of the Redeemed by Kari Bovee

Bones of the Redeemed

Bones of the Redeemed by Kari Bovee

Release: November 3rd, 2020 
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Bosque Publishing
Source: iRead Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N.



A pit of corpses. An ancient cult. A quest for redemption that could leave her dead…

New Mexico, 1952. Archaeology grad student Ruby Delgado is feeling guilty after losing her son. So when her latest excavation drops her down a sinkhole filled with suspiciously mutilated bodies, she’s driven to bring the murderer to justice. But when digging deeper brings her dangerously close to a sinister religious sect, she could be their next sacrifice…

Discovering some of the victims were crucified, Ruby pushes hard to give the evidence to the authorities. But when her trail crosses the path of a beaten man left for dead in the desert, she realizes she may be the only person who can save the community.

Can Ruby stop the sacrifices and slay her inner demons, or will hers be the next body laid to rest?

Bones of the Redeemed is a hair-raising standalone Southwestern mystery. If you like complex heroines, cult conflict, and hard-won redemption, then you’ll love Kari Bovee’s grisly tale.

About the Author:

Winner of the 2019 Hillerman Southwest Fiction Award.

Altogether, Empowered women in history, horses, unconventional characters, and real-life historical events fill the pages of award-winning writer Kari Bovee’s historical mystery musings and manuscripts.

Born in northern New Mexico, Kari developed a love of reading, writing, and history early in life. Significantly, her most treasured Christmas gift as a young child was a toy typewriter. After graduating with a B.A. in English Literature with an emphasis in Creative Writing, Kari found work as a technical writer at a Fortune 500 tech company. But, her love of story-telling never waned. While staying at home with two young children, Kari wrote her first novel and hasn’t stopped. She and her husband live happily in rural Corrales, New Mexico, with their horses, dogs, and cats.

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Bones of the Redeemed  Review:

I loved everything about “Bones of the Redeemed” and could not get enough!

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I fell in love with the author’s works when I read “Folly at the Fair (An Annie Oakley Mystery).” The author has a beautiful talent for adventure and suspense, and she does not disappoint in this novel. The story is mesmerizing as Ruby and Pete investigate a suspicious cult that is causing the murders of the town residents. What starts as a simple excavation soon turns into a sinister plot involving narcotics, altars, brotherhood, and even stigmata!

Additionally, Ruby and Pete shine in the leads. There is never a dull moment with these two! From seeing a boy lying in the middle of the road, getting abducted, visiting altars, and reviewing autopsies, they will stop at nothing until they solve the case. The author amazingly paces the story till the climax. The buildup to the conclusion and the ending was epic and unforgettable. It was a thrilling adventure through and through. Even the side characters like Gallegos, Yates, and Dr. Jones were memorable. Moreover, I didn’t even know about “Epidemiology” until I read this book on a side note.

Also, the author glued me to the pages, and I finished this book in one sitting. There is nothing mild about the situations that Ruby and Pete experience. The violence is graphic, and you feel like the culprits will stop at nothing to torture our leads when necessary. Overall, I loved everything about “Bones of the Redeemed,” and I hope the author turns this into a series. I would love to see these characters come back for another adventure.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.


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(ends Dec 11)

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Bones of the Redeemed

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Bones of the Redeemed by Kari Bovee Blog Tour hosted by iRead Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Part one:

Locks, Hooks, and Books – Nov 9 –book review / giveaway
Elizabeth McKenna – Author – Nov 9 -book spotlight
Working Mommy Journal – Nov 10 –book review/giveaway
Jazzy Book Reviews – Nov 12 –book spotlight/author interview/giveaway
100 Pages A Day – Nov 16 –book review/giveaway
Literary Flits – Nov 17   book review/giveaway
She Just Loves Books – Nov 19 – book review/giveaway
I’m Into Books – Nov 23 –book spotlight/giveaway
Splashes of Joy – Nov 23 – book review/author interview/giveaway
Stephanie Jane – Nov 24 – book spotlight/giveaway
Leels Loves Books – Nov 24-book review / giveaway
Bigreadersite – Nov 25 –book review/giveaway
411 ON BOOKS, AUTHORS, AND PUBLISHING NEWS – Nov 25 – book spotlight/author interview/giveaway

Part Two:

Books and Zebras @jypsylynn – Nov 25 – book review/giveaway
Olio by Marilyn – Nov 26 –book review/giveaway
JBronder Book Reviews – Nov 27 –book review/author interview
Rajiv’s Reviews – Nov 30 – book review/giveaway
Sadie’s Spotlight – Nov 30 – book spotlight / giveaway
Pine Enshrined Reviews – Dec 1 – book spotlight/author interview/giveaway
Celticlady’s Reviews – Dec 2 – book spotlight/giveaway
Library of Clean Reads – Dec 3 – book review/giveaway
PuzzlePaws Blog – Dec 3 – book review/giveaway
Adventurous Jessy – Dec 4 – book review/giveaway
High Society Book Reviews – Dec 4 – book review/giveaway
Fan_of_Books_ – TBD – book review

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