Britfield & The Lost Crown by C.R. Stewart

Britfield & The Lost Crown

Britfield & The Lost Crown by C.R. Stewart

Release: August 15th 2019
Format: Ebook/Paperback
Publisher: Devonfield Publishing
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, Audible, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD,



Britfield & the Lost Crown is the first book in a thrilling seven-part series for middle school and young adult readers. It will inspire children to engage both their creativity and their critical thinking skills as they encounter actual places, authentic characters, and exciting but realistic events in seventeen action-packed chapters.

Based on family, friendship, loyalty, and courage, Britfield & the Lost Crown and its hero, Tom, take readers on an epic adventure across England – from the smoldering crags of Yorkshire to the heart of London and, finally, to the magnificent shores of Dover.

With help from his best friend, Sarah, and a hot air balloon, Hence, Tom flees Yorkshire, escaping from Weatherly Orphanage and the clutches of a relentless detective, in pursuit of the truth about himself and his heritage: Are his parents still alive? Is he the true heir to the British throne? As Tom and a memorable cast of both heroic and dastardly characters unravel a royal mystery that could change the course of history, readers are taken on a breathless journey to a surprise ending that will leave them clamoring for more .

Built on more than seven years of extensive research and development, Britfield & the Lost Crown creates a real world that readers can embrace as it weaves accurate geography, literature, architecture, and history into its fast-paced story. With stimulating language and active writing, Britfield engages the reader from the first pages and doesn’t let go until it reaches its exciting conclusion.

About the Author:

Born in Newport Beach, California, C. R. Stewart has twenty years of experience writing fiction, nonfiction, and movie screenplays. His areas of expertise also includes film and media production, global strategy, and international marketing.

“Britfield & The Lost Crown was conceived as an idea over 10 years ago while enduring a boring finance seminar. It started as a sketch of a hot air balloon with a young boy and girl trapped inside. From this simple drawing sprang the entire concept and story for Britfield.”

C.R. Stewart received a Bachelor of Arts in British Literature and European History from Brown University; did post- graduate work at Harvard University; earned an MBA from Boston College; and is pursuing a Master of Science in Advanced Management and a PhD in Strategy.

Now based in San Diego, C.R. Stewart is a strong supporter of education and the arts. He enjoys world travel, reading, riding, swimming, sailing, tennis, and is currently on a National School Book Tour with Britfield & The Lost Crown speaking to students on the importance of creativity!

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Britfield & The Lost Crown Review:

What a delightful book! I feel like I was on a whirlwind ride throughout England. What starts out as a very Dickensian story, soon becomes a fast, high speed, adventure ride throughout the United Kingdom.  

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This is the perfect middle grade adventure to read! The characters are endearing, the plot is engaging, and the pacing is fast and entertaining. Its one of those book that I feel a reader of any age would enjoy. Moreover, there are secrets, conspiracies, high speed chases, and action and adventure. I couldn’t put this book down once I started reading. Usually, there are some favorite moments which stand out in a story, but in this book, I truly loved every scene. Whether it is Sarah and Tom in their balloon adventure, or getting lost in the tube, each moment was exciting.

Also, the author beautifully describes the majestic landscape of famous landmarks like the Windsor Castle, Canterbury Cathedral and Christ Church. He blends the adventure plot very well while highlighting these sights. The settings described are so rich and vibrant, that I felt like I was in a tour of the United Kingdom. Moreover, after reading this book, I really feel like taking a detailed tour of all the places mentioned.

I loved the Tom’s friendship with Sarah. They have such a wonderful bond, and it is inspiring to see their support for one another. Hainsworth was also a wonderful guide and parental figure for both of them. After reading this book, I am eagerly awaiting Book 2 with high expectations and cannot wait to see how it turns out.

Overall, Britfield & the Lost Crown surpassed my expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Book Trailer:


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Britfield & The Lost Crown

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the BRITFIELD & THE LOST CROWN by C.R. Stewart Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

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