Boys of Alabama by Genevieve Hudson
Boys of Alabama by Genevieve HudsonRelease:...

Breath Like Water by Anna Jarzab
Breath Like Water by Anna JarzabRelease:...

Changeling (The Oddmire #1) by William Ritter
Changeling (The Oddmire #1) by William...

Seven Clues to Home by Gae Polisner and Nora Raleigh Baskin
Seven Clues to Home by Gae...

The Way Past Winter by Kiran Millwood Hargrave
The Way Past Winter by Kiran...

Mr Penguin and the Catastrophic Cruise: Book 3 by Alex T. Smith
Mr Penguin and the Catastrophic Cruise:...

Scritch Scratch by Lindsay Currie
Scritch Scratch by Lindsay Currie Release:...

Admission by Julie Buxbaum
Admission by Julie BuxbaumRelease: December 1st...

My Life as a Potato by Arianne Costner
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The Clockwork Crow by Catherine Fisher
The Clockwork Crow by Catherine FisherRelease:...

The Candy Mafia by Lavie Tidhar, Daniel Duncan
The Candy Mafia by Lavie Tidhar,...

The Mulberry Tree by Allison Rushby
The Mulberry Tree by Allison RushbyRelease:...

Daddy’s Girls by Danielle Steel
Daddy’s Girls by Danielle SteelRelease: June...

Rebel in the Library of Ever (The Library of Ever #2) by Zeno Alexander
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The Library of Ever (The Library of Ever #1) by Zeno Alexander
The Library of Ever (The Library...

The Stitchers (Fright Watch #1) by Lorien Lawrence
The Stitchers (Fright Watch #1) by...

365 Days to Alaska by Cathy Carr
365 Days to Alaska by Cathy...

When I Hit the Road by Nancy J. Cavanaugh
Samantha is not exactly excited to spend what was supposed to be an awesome summer vacation with her grandma all the way in Florida. Or to be testing out her mom's "Dear Me" Journals--writing to her future self just feels weird. But it turns out Gram has some not-so-boring plans up her sleeve...
Gram and her friend Mimi are going to audition for the Seniors Have Got Talent Karaoke Contest!
A road trip in Gram's new Mustang turns into a series of hilarious mishaps that flip Samantha's summer on its head. And to make things more awkward, Brandon, Mimi's totally handsome grandson, is also along for the ride.
It looks like those journals just might be worth keeping after all. Because this summer will be one Samantha will never want to forget.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games by Suzanne CollinsRelease:...

Lila and Hadley by Kody Keplinger
Lila and Hadley by Kody Keplinger...

Rick by Alex Gino
Rick by Alex GinoRelease: April 21st...

The Wedding Dress: A Novel by Danielle Steel
The Wedding Dress by Danielle SteelRelease:...

Like Nothing Amazing Ever Happened by Emily Blejwas
Like Nothing Amazing Ever Happened by...

The Wolf of Cape Fen by Juliana Brandt
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The Prettiest by Brigit Young
The Prettiest by Brigit YoungRelease: April...

A Field Guide to Getting Lost by Joy McCullough
A Field Guide to Getting Lost...

Camp Clique by Eileen Moskowitz Palma
Camp Clique by Eileen Moskowitz PalmaRelease:...