The Becket List: A Blackberry Farm Story by Adele Griffin
The Becket List: A Blackberry Farm...

You’d Be Home Now by Kathleen Glasgow
You’d Be Home Now by Kathleen...

Thanks a Lot, Universe by Chad Lucas
Thanks a Lot, Universe by Chad...

Grenade Bouquets by Lee Matthew Goldberg
Grenade Bouquets (Runaway Train) by Lee...

When Life Gives You Mangos by Kereen Getten
When Life Gives You Mangos by...

The Campaign by Laurie Friedman
The Campaign: With Liberty and Study...

Merci Suárez Changes Gears by Meg Medina
Merci Suárez Changes Gears by Meg...

Nowhere Boy by Katherine Marsh
Nowhere Boy by Katherine Marsh Release:...

Again Again by E. Lockhart
Again Again by E. Lockhart Release:...

My Name Is Layla by Reyna Marder Gentin
My Name Is Layla by Reyna...

Stella Diaz #1 by Angela Dominguez
Stella DÃaz Has Something to Say...

Girl Stuff by Lisi Harrison
Girl Stuff (Girl Stuff #1) by...

The Momentous Expiration of Tremmy Sinclair
The Momentous Expiration of Tremmy Sinclair...

A Thousand Minutes to Sunlight by Jen White
A Thousand Minutes to Sunlight by...

Danny Chung Sums It Up by Maisie Chan
Danny Chung Sums It Up by...

Unplugged by Gordon Korman
Unplugged by Gordon Korman Release: January...

Reckless Glorious Girl by Ellen Hagan
Reckless, Glorious, Girl by Ellen Hagan...

Red White and Whole by Rajani LaRocca
Red White and Whole by Rajani...

The Million Dollar Race by Matthew Ross Smith
The Million Dollar Race by Matthew...

Shaking Up the House by Yamile Saied Méndez
Shaking Up the House by Yamile...

Life in the Balance by Jen Petro-Roy
Life in the Balance by Jen...

The Good the Bad and the Backstory by Melissa Miney
The Good, the Bad, and the...

On A Good Horse by Darby Karchut
On A Good Horse by Darby...

Rule of Threes by Marcy Campbell
Rule of Threes by Marcy Campbell...

The Ambassador of Nowhere Texas
The Ambassador of Nowhere Texas by...

Halfway to Harmony by Barbara O’Connor
Halfway to Harmony by Barbara O’Connor...

Many Points of Me by Caroline Gertler
Many Points of Me by Caroline...