Charity's Choice

Charity’s Choice by Alexine Crawford

Release: September 10th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: The Conrad Press
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at: Amazon, Kindle,KoboTBD



In the 1640s, Publishers got drastic punishments for their tweets bordering on gossip.If such punishments are in vogue today, twitter users might not be so ready with their tweets. Here is gossip for the nation, while in Farnham, Surrey, gossip fuels rivalries and domestic conflicts. And into this arrives Charity, an unwilling newcomer. Who, the gossips ask, is she? Why has she come? Which young man is she attracting? What will her choices be?

About Author:

Apart from freelance articles on various topics, Alexine Crawford  wrote the cookery column for Organic Gardening Magazine from 1998 to 2000. A book on caring for elderly parents was published by BRF in 2001 and reissued as “The Challenge of Caring” in 2011. “Comely Grace”, a novel centred in the 17th century, ISBN 978-0-9570992-0-3, came out also in 2011.

He lives in Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom.

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Charity’s Choice Review:

This was a nice book that resolves around various families and their lives set during the English Civil War.

The author kept the story active with a large cast of characters. The story revolved around The Mannorys, The Garys, The Kiffins and Charity. Although the characters live a relatively normal life, the author writes them in such a captivating manner that you are involved in their lives. I really liked the dynamic of the Mannory Family between Thomas, James and Jacob. All of them have striking personalities that conflict with each other. It was interesting to see their conversations regarding work, trade and the members of their family. Similarly, I found William and Lydia fascinating too. One aspect which struck me while reading about these characters is their behavior. Also, Thomas and Charity share a very nice relationship.

Although the story takes places in the 1600s, I could still connect their personalities to people I know in reality. Some people stick to their own ways, whereas others take a leap of faith and venture a new road. Moreover, I liked how the events of the English Civil War impact certain matters of their lives. I recently read a few other historical novels set around the time of the English Civil War, and I must say, this book highlighted it really well. The author nicely provides snippets of Kings Charles and the Star Chamber and House of Parliament.

Perhaps my own criticism towards the story is how there too many members in the supporting cast at times. I am glad the author provided a ‘who is who’ glossary to refer to, because I referred to it frequently. Apart from that, this was a very interesting, and I liked it.

Book Tour Schedule

Charity's Choice

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Charity’s Choice by Alexine Crawford Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours.

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