Cheesemaker Durdsden by Mark Huffman

Cheesemaker Durdsden

Cheesemaker Durdsden by Mark Huffman

Release: May 4, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Brown Books Pub Group
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at Goodreads, Amazon, B&N, TBD,



It is no wonder that Cheesemaker Durdsden could hardly be called a cheesemaker. And that is how bland, rubbery, and flavorless his cheese tasted. And so, to better his skills and silence the critics, he went in search of any and every cheesemaking technique he could learn. That way, he could make cheese to be envied by every cheesemaker and liked by every cheese enthusiast.

Now he’s back with new skills and some suspiciously delicious and deliciously suspicious cheese to prove it. How could a man with such boring cheese before now make this tasty cheesy treat? You’ll never guess what fabled creature holds the secret to Cheesemaker Durdsden’s sudden success!

About the Author:

Mark Huffman writes about our shared human experiences. Which is a pretentious way to say that he writes about toots and bottoms and food. Besides, he prepared for writing children’s books by spending much of his early life as an actual child. Unlike other children’s authors he might name who have spuriously claimed the title, he is a real doctor. Also, He lives with his family in Texas.

Dawn Davidson is a freelance artist in Winter Garden, Florida. Besides, she is a lover of great children’s literature. Naturally, she is inspired by the classical illustrators of the past. And she strives to achieve a sense of timelessness by mimicking traditional media in her digital work. In addition, she combines classical drawing skill, vibrant color use, and a sense of playful whimsy to create memorable characters and humorous compositions. So, she enjoys nothing more than bringing a story to life through beautiful, engaging art. Not to mention, She loves family, travel, Celtic mythology, period and fantasy costuming, and dreaming of retiring to a mountain cottage in a state that has seasons.

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Cheesemaker Durdsden Review:

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Let’s face it! Kids love reading gross, disgusting things and find it funny. Hence, “Cheesemaker Durdsden” is a hilarious children’s book that will appeal to young readers, even if it makes the parents queasy.

The characters are adorable, and I adored Durdsden in the lead. The author makes him shine for his silliness and perseverance. He never loses hope and stays optimistic about fixing the solution and becoming better instead of being pulled down by his competitors.

Like the other’s other book, like “The Toot Fairy,” the author makes the story stand out with the deliciously gross sense of humor. He narrates the plot creatively and charmingly, making you wonder how the story will turn out. Moreover, the story is hilarious when the townspeople find out the reason for the delicious cheese. Some of the scenes are repugnant but told light-heartedly.

Furthermore, the critical element of any children’s book is the illustrations. The drawings by Dawn Davidson are gorgeous! I loved the naturistic landscape in the background, and each page had details that made me pause and appreciate. The artist also created the expressions of the townspeople so wonderful, where you smile when you see their shocked reactions. Even the creature is scary, yet cute, that wouldn’t scare the younger readers.

Overall, “Cheesemaker Durdsden” is a book that kids will enjoy. While I liked most of it, I admit some parts made me uneasy, especially when we learn how Durdsden manufactures the cheese.

Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive a finished copy of THE TOOT FAIRY & CHEESEMAKER DURDSDEN, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Tour Schedule

The Toot Fairy

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the  Cheesemaker Durdsden by Mark Huffman Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Week One:

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers-Review-4-26-2021
Lisa-Queen of Random-Guest Post-4-27-2021
Jazzy Book Reviews-Review-4-28-2021
A Dream Within A Dream-Guest Post-4-29-2021
Two Points of interest-Review-4-30-2021
LittleRed Reads-Review-5-1-2021

Week Two:

The Adventures of a Travelers WIfe-Review-5-3-2021
pick a good book-Review-5-4-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-5-6-2021
BookHounds Ya -Review-5-7-2021
Nighttime Reading Center -Review-5-8-2021

Week Three:

I’m Shelfish-Review-5-9-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt-5-10-2021
Jaime’s World-Excerpt-5-11-2021
cindysloveofbooks -Review-5-12-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-5-14-2021
Nerdophiles -Review-5-15-2021

Week Four:

My Fictional Oasis-Review-5-18-2021
Geauxgetlit -Review-5-19-2021
Books and Zebras @jypsylynn -Review-5-20-2021

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