Christmas at the Saporis

Christmas at the Saporis by KD. Sherrinford

Release: 27 December 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Extasy books
Source: ZooloosBookTours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, AppleBooks, B&N,



What will the Saporis find under the tree this year—Christmas presents, or family skeletons?

In the spirit of the holiday and a wish for familial harmony, Irene Adler persuades her detective husband to invite his brother Mycroft to Christmas luncheon. Holmes had cut ties with his brother when he discovered the machinations Mycroft employed that drove Sherlock and Adler apart for four years. He isn’t really sure this reunion is a great idea, but he can deny his wife nothing.

Of course, they can’t tell the children what Mycroft is to them, as that would entail learning that their father is the celebrated detective . And they only know him simply as Lucca Sapori. And just when they think things may be going better than expected, ghosts of the past crop up in unexpected ways and threaten to ruin the holidays for everyone.

About the Author:

KD Sherrinford’s life from birth was in Preston, Lancashire, and now resides on The Fylde Coast with her husband John.

Countywide employed her for over 20 years and became a Fellow of The National Association of Estate Agents.

Retirement finally gave KD the opportunity to follow her dreams and start work on her first novel. “Song for Someone.”

KD recently completed her second book in the Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler mystery series, “Christmas at The Saporis”,The third Meet Me In Milan is due for publishing this summer.

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Christmas at the Saporis Review:

The author has masterfully crafted a captivating continuation of “Song For Someone,” despite its concise length of under 100 pages, it remains a literary gem. Within these pages, the author offers the reader glimpses into the events of that pivotal Christmas, stoking curiosity about Irene Adler’s life alongside Sherlock Holmes . And has  the enigmatic mysteries that continue to shroud their unconventional connection.

This author deftly unravels the intricate facets of the Holmes family, skillfully intertwining elements of mystery and peril. It paints Sherlock Holmes as a devoted father who adeptly balances his relentless pursuit of solving cases with his unwavering commitment to his loved ones. The ominous presence of Colonel Moriarty casts an intriguing shadow over the storyline, promising future thrills and obstacles. Additionally, the author vividly portrays the endearing personalities of the Holmes children, Nicco and Charlotte, foreshadowing their growth and adventures throughout the tale.

Moreover, the author delves deep into the dynamics between Sherlock and Nene. She showcases their contrasting views on Christmas and family bonds. Nene’s determination to reunite Sherlock with his estranged brother, driven by their children’s welfare, underscores the importance of forgiveness. Sherlock, characterized as reserved and contemplative, eventually yields to the idea, revealing his love and willingness to compromise for Nene’s happiness. The author also hints at the challenges and tensions within their relationship, setting the stage for the imminent Christmas gathering with Mycroft.

The author’s meticulous research shines through in her work, evident in the exquisite attention to detail and the sheer beauty of her prose. This brilliantly written novel comes highly recommended, leaving readers
anticipating more from this talented author. I am eagerly anticipating my next read by her.

Book Tour Schedule

Song for Someone

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Christmas at the Saporis by KD. Sherrinford Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.

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