
Cold by Jim Pearce

Release: January 28, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: ‎ Matador
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



The near future is a world in which scientists and their AI got it wrong.

Rising temperatures have caused fires that burned landmasses. And the ash from these fires block out the sun. The resulting cold is extreme, like a nuclear winter, and was a mass extinction event for human beings the world over. Electricity grids, communications and services all failed. Societies collapsed. Humanity is reduced to small groups of survivors, scraping by however they can.

Resources are scarce, and bands of survivors resort to violence to obtain enough food and fuel to survive.

A man and his family group have survived the cruel winter by hiding in a house in Surrey. But when a roaming gang starts to ravage the area, they are forced to run. As they flee to safety, the cohesion and tolerance that had kept them going for so long starts to fracture.

About the Author:

This is Jim Pearce’s debut novel, though he has written non-fiction before. He’s been an oil driller in Saudi and Venezuela and a geologist in a gold mine in Ghana. Now he helps energy clients try to be more sustainable. He enjoys writing first thing in the morning at home in Surrey or enjoying the views in the south of France. He likes to transport readers to unexpected places where survival is a challenge and friendships tend to triumph despite individuals’ flaws. And he is married with three boys.

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Cold Review:

I am fond of post-apocalyptic dystopian narratives, and the author adeptly establishes the ambiance of this survival saga. The writing effectively captures the suspense and emotions of the moment, conveying the characters’ fears, determination, and the weight of their past experiences. The dialogue and internal reflections provide insight into their personalities and complex dynamics. Also, the author touches on the importance of climate change and the possibility of a dark future if we don’t preserve it well.

Moreover, I enjoyed the relationship between our characters. The protagonist’s relationship with their companions deepens throughout the group’s challenges and moments of triumph. As they press on toward their destination, the group’s unity becomes their most significant asset in a world of uncertainty and danger. The protagonist realizes that, in their struggle for survival, true strength lies not just in their abilities but in the collective resilience and determination of the group.

Additionally, the author held my attention by pacing the story well, where the team faces a new dilemma in each chapter. Confronting challenges like a ferocious gang attack, enduring the frigid landscape aboard the Serendipity, and encountering a polar bear, the team faces many trials. The scenes that stood out for me were when they initially fought the Battle and later met the wolves. These passages underscore the group’s ingenuity, adaptability, and camaraderie amidst adversity. The exploration also delves into themes of redemption, purpose, and the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. Even the supporting characters, such as Matt, Eva, Richard, and Pierre, contribute their distinct shades to the narrative.

To sum up, my enjoyment of “Cold” derives from the compelling characters and their adept decision-making and strategic planning, which significantly contribute to the overall suspense and intrigue of the narrative.


Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Cold by Jim Pearce Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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