Conspiracy of Cats

Conspiracy of Cats by B. C. Harris

Release: August 18th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Olympia Publishers
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, Amazon UK



CONSPIRACY OF CATS… a supernatural murder mystery.
An apprehensive Jos Ferguson travels from Edinburgh to northern Tanzania to visit the house her Uncle Peter built before he died. But Peter’s death is not as it should be.  His was a murder and he wants his niece to help him exact revenge upon his killer. With a little Maasai magic and a conspiracy of cats, Jos sets out to do exactly that.
A beautiful house. A horrible death. A brilliant revenge.
Who knew death could be so lively?

About the Author:

B C Harris is a Scot who, at the time of writing, had just finished renovating a farmhouse in France.

A labour of love that began from first sight back in 2016. No sooner had the final length of flooring been laid and the last paintbrush dried, than disaster struck in the form of pandemic. France went into a strict lockdown and, with time to do more than simply daydream about writing books, a new project began to take shape.

Writing began as an escape from the fear and isolation that was soon affecting us all, and quickly flourished to become ‘Conspiracy of Cats.’ The global pandemic seems to be receding now, but the passion for writing has taken root. Find out more about B C Harris online.

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Conspiracy of Cats Review:

“Conspiracy of Cats” is a unique, out-of-the-box novel that will keep you engaged from beginning till the end.

The first aspect that struck me about the story is how exotic the author made it sound. The author brings the backdrop of Tanzania to life, and I felt this brought the story to life. From the Materuni Waterfalls to Lake Chala and the gorgeous description of wildlife like antelopes and Gazelle, I loved the details the author added. What’s also interesting is how the author describes the White House. Even though it is majestic and filled with vibrant colors, you immediately get a sense of dread and foreboding that something terrible occurred when Beola shows Jos around. The story is atmospheric and prepares you to expect the worst, and I enjoyed how the author slowly unnerved me with the details.

Moreover, the author toggles the story between the past and the present and shifts focus from various perspectives, like Jude, Jos, Wendell, and Beola. I also liked how my perception of the characters changed over the course. Initially, I had a different opinion regarding Jude, Peter, and Beola, and I was surprised that I felt differently towards them towards the end. The story also takes another direction when the team searches for the escaped Lioness, so you don’t know what to expect.

One of the highlights of the story was Jos’s interactions with Peter. The author made the story memorable with Peter’s character, and he was unlike any other entity I have recently read in a fiction novel. The author also adds thrilling moments, like when Jos wakes up to find Peter or Joseph performs rituals on her.

Overall, I loved reading “Conspiracy of Cats” for its mystical mystery plot, Massai tribes, black magic, and the author’s creativity.

Book Tour Schedule

Conspiracy of Cats

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Conspiracy of Cats by B. C. Harris Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours



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