Consuming Fire by Catherine Fearns

Consuming Fire

Consuming Fire by Catherine Fearns

Release: 15th June 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Northodox Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon



Liverpool is in the grip of an intense heatwave, and strange things are happening. A woman dies in an apparent case of Spontaneous Human Combustion; a truck explodes on the dock road; the charred corpses of pets litter the city; forest fires ravage the pinewoods…and there are birds everywhere, silent flocks drawing in ominously.

Detective Inspector Darren Swift thinks there are connections, and he starts investigating into the worlds of football, nightclubs and organised crime. But is he imagining things? Dr. Helen Hope doesn’t think so. And she believes the key lies in a mysterious seventeenth-century occult book which has gone missing from Liverpool Library.

In the blistering sequel to Reprobation, DI Swift confronts some inconvenient ghosts from his past, as a terrifying shadow lies over his city’s reality….


About the Author:

Catherine Fearns is a writer and musician from Liverpool, UK. Her Reprobation series of crime fiction novels was published by Darkstroke Books.
The first in the series, Reprobation, won a Readers’ Favorite Silver Medal and a Page Turner eBook Award. Northodox Press is now re-releasing the series as an ebook/Kindle boxset, and will publish a fourth instalment (Lamb of God) in February 2023.
US publisher Quill & Crow has signed Catherine, and her first historical novel, All The Parts Of The Soul, is due for release in 2023.

Catherine is a music journalist, specialising in heavy metal. She plays guitar and keyboards in the all-female metal band Chaos Rising.Also,Universal Edition has published her sheet music compositions .

Catherine currently lives in Switzerland with her four children and her Tibetan terrier.

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Consuming Fire Review:

Oh my goodness! This book surpassed my expectations compared to the first one. Firstly, I really enjoyed the author’s decision to focus more on Darren’s character while keeping Helen in the background. Darren’s progression in investigating the cases of spontaneous combustion and unraveling the mysteries was captivating. That being said, I still appreciated Helen’s presence and her bond with Darren. In this book, she comes across as stronger and more independent than before.

Moreover, the author skillfully crafts the plot in a thrilling manner, leaving readers guessing whether the incidents are the work of a person or if there is a supernatural element involved. The introduction of a suspicious family adds to the suspense, and as the murder count rises toward the end, even we, as readers, start to question what is truly happening.

Similar to the first book, this one also delves into intriguing concepts such as witch burning, paganism, healing, and darker themes like the backstory of Sepharvites and Adramelech, which I found fascinating. Each chapter’s ending with an excerpt from the book Helen discovers adds an eerie touch to the overall story.

And let’s not forget the conclusion! The author leaves us on a cliffhanger, leaving us eager to pick up the next book and find out what unfolds next. There were many memorable moments, including Darren and Helen’s investigation trip to Geneva, the incident during the football match, and even more minor occurrences like a bird crashing into Helen’s lecture.

All in all, “Consuming Fire” exceeded my expectations compared to the first book, and I’m eagerly anticipating getting my hands on the next installment to continue this gripping series.

Book Tour Schedule

Lamb of God

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Lamb of God by Catherine Fearns Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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