Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler

Cool for the Summer

Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler

Release: May 11th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Wednesday Books
Source: Amazon
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, Kobo.



Lara’s had eyes for exactly one person throughout her three years of high school: Chase Harding. He’s tall, strong, sweet, a football star, and frankly, stupid hot. Oh, and he’s talking to her now on purpose and everything. Maybe…flirting, even? No, wait, he’s definitely flirting, which is pretty much the sum of everything Lara’s wanted out of life.

Except a memory haunts her. A memory of a confusing, romantic, strangely perfect summer spent with a girl named Jasmine. A memory that becomes a confusing, disorienting present when Jasmine herself walks through the school’s front doors to see Lara and Chase chatting it up in front of the lockers.

Also, Lara has everything she ever wanted: a tight-knit group of friends, a job that borders on cool, and Chase, the boy of her literal dreams. But if she’s finally got the guy, why can’t she stop thinking about the girl?

Cool for the Summer is a story of self-discovery and new love. It’s about the things we want and the things we need. And it’s about the people who will let us be who we are.

About the Author:

Dahlia Adler is an Editor of Mathematics by day, the overlord of LGBTQReads by night, and a contemporary YA and NA writer at every spare moment in between. Also, she’s the author of the Daylight Falls duology, Just Visiting, the Radleigh University series, and Cool for the Summer (Wednesday Books, 2021); a contributor to anthologies All OutThe Radical Element, and It’s a Whole Spiel; the editor of the anthologies His Hideous Heart and That Way Madness Lies (2021); and crafter of over five billion tweets as @MissDahlELama. She lives in New York with her husband, son, and overstuffed bookshelves.

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Cool for the Summer Review:

“Cool for the Summer” was so adorable and is the perfect book if you are looking for a light-hearted YA, contemporary romance.

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I loved how the author wrote the main characters. Lara and Jasmine are so cute together. The author writes their friendship in an attractive manner that is gradual and realistic. For instance, I loved some of their moments where she has dinner with Jasmine’s mom or when Jasmine encourages her for the new hairstyle.

Moreover, what’s nice about the tale is how accepting the characters are. Nobody makes fun of gay relationships or disrespects them. I loved all the supporting characters like Shannon, Chase, Kiki, and even Gia. Honestly, the only person having conflicting feelings is Lana. The author correctly wrote her feelings. She is confused and conflicted about her feelings with Jasmine and Chase. Also, I adored how Lana and Jasmine share a fondness for books and share memories in a bookstore.

However, perhaps my only criticism is that the story is too short. While I loved everything about the story, I thought there was not enough time to get invested in the romance. The author spends more time with the present situation than the flashbacks, and I wish we had more scenes with Jasmine and Lara bonding. Furthermore, I thought Chase’s attraction towards Lara was a bit sudden, considering that they had known each other but never even friends before he made a move on her.

Apart from that, I enjoyed the story! Overall, “Cool for the Summer” is a sweet YA romance that is worth reading.


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