Coop Knows the Scoop by Taryn Souders

COOP Knows the Scoop

Coop Knows the Scoop by Taryn Souders

Release: July 7th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Sourcebooks Young Readers
Source: Netgalley
Find it at: GoodReadsAmazonKindle, AudibleB&NiBooks



The whole town is talking about what’s buried beneath the playground…

Windy Bottom, Georgia is usually a peaceful place. Coop helps his mom at her café and bookstore, hangs out with his grandpa. And  he bikes around with his friends Justice and Liberty. The town is full of all kinds of interesting people, but no one has ever caused a problem. Until now.

And somehow, Gramps is taking all the blame! It seems like there are a lot of secrets that were buried in their small town after all…

Will Coop and his friends get to the bottom of the mystery and clear Gramps’s name before it’s too late?

Author Bio:

I was born in Dallas, Texas and lived all over before settling down in Florida with my husband, David, and our three kids. Despite popular belief, Floridians do experience four seasons. We have Spring, Early Summer, Mid-Summer, and then Late Summer rounds out the year and finishes us off (figuratively and sometimes literally).

I never started out planning to be a writer—I was a middle school math teacher for a couple years. But, being a voracious reader as a kid gave me a love for words (and working with middle-schoolers gave me a sense of humor). It seemed like a good idea to combine the two (words and humor) and voila, a book was born. Truthfully, my first book was a fluke. I sat down to write a poem about Moses and ended up writing a fraction book about a cow. Who knew?

It worked so well the first time, I’ve continued to try to write poetry and I end up with a book each time. Ok. Not really. But, I did enjoy the writing process so much, that I’ve kept with it and have enjoyed some success along the way.

Sally Apokedak of the Apokedak Literary Agency represents me, and I couldn’t ask for a more hardworking, insightful, integrity-filled agent. I have been blessed in my friendship with her and hope there are many more years (and books) to come

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Coop Knows the Scoop Review:

How do you solve a mystery that took place years ago, that too when a member of your family is the suspect?

What a delightful middle-grade mystery “Coop Knows the Scoop” turned out to be! I loved the concept of the story, and it reminded me of the class Enid Blyton mysteries I read as a child. The author adds quite a few twists and turns that even I did not expect. I feel the target audience would adore this story and keep guessing about the mystery of the human skeleton.

Moreover, I loved the setting of the story. Windy Bottom seems like the perfect place to have such a mystery pop up. The author wrote the areas with a whimsical note that I felt like visiting Cut’ N Curl, A Latté Books, and Piggly Wiggly if the place was real.

Coop is terrific in the lead as he investigates and starts uncovering the secrets. Since he and his friends are middle graders, it was interesting to see how they approached the case to find answers. Moreover, many moments stood out for me, like when they read the grandmother’s letter. Even Liberty and Justice (I love the names) added nicely to the plot as they help him on his mission.

As this is a middle-grade novel, the author paces the story quickly, where many things happen in each chapter. Moreover, it’s always a treat in such mysteries when the murderer turns out to be someone you did not expect, and this book did not disappoint.

Overall, “Coop Knows the Scoop” is a marvelous middle-grade mystery that you would not be able to put down once you start reading.

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