Creatures of Chaos by Ashley Brandt

Creatures of Chaos

Creatures of Chaos by Ashley Brandt

Release: March 08, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Blossom Spring Publishing
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon



Life in Justice-Peace just got a little more interesting.

Casey Allen has a green thumb. Max Kinkaid is the high school football star. Debbie’s in a band. Parker is a serial-dater, and Finch is the science- whiz turned prankster. When these unlikely friends are forced to collaborate on a group project, they discover their talents go beyond their high school personas.

Casey can call the plants, growing and twisting them to her satisfaction. Nicholas Finch commands the animals, and Parker Watts can summon the fiercest of storms. Max Kinkaid has dominion over the four winds, and Debbie Fairfield can rock your world, literally!

Are these five an evolved species of human or the legacies of the gods?

Hunted by greedy scientists, these clever teens combine their extraordinary gifts to gain their freedom…but it will cost them the only lives they’ve ever known!

About the Author:

Ashley Brandt is a Paramedic and an author living in North Texas. When she isn’t reading or writing, Ashley enjoys hiking, swimming and photography. Ashley is a coffee addict and spends as much time at the bookstore as possible.


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Creatures of Chaos Review:

“Creatures of Chaos” is a fun start to the “Chaos” series, and I enjoyed the concept.

Firstly, I loved how creative the author got with the tale, and I felt I was reading a mix of “Stranger Things” meets “One Tree Hill.” The author does a lovely job of blending young adult drama with paranormal elements, and it was fun to see how our protagonists tackled their newfound powers. Each character stands out with their unique personality and ability, and it was a treat to see how they reacted to the situation and the villain who also learns of it and targets them.

Secondly, I liked Casey in the lead and her dynamics with Max, Debbie, Parker, and Finch. Moments that stood out from the story are when she bonds with Max over the Venus Flytrap or her conflicted relationship with Debbie. The author also added elements from Greek Mythology elements to the tale, and it was fun to see how it affected our characters.

Moreover, there is never a dull moment because so much happens in each chapter. Even if you skip a sentence, you miss something important. The author packed a lot into this novella, and I wondered what would happen next.

However, on that topic, my only criticism of the story is that the book needed to be longer and faster. It would have been interesting if the author added more details to the world-building or how the teens got their powers. The pacing is usually fast; hence, we didn’t get time to invest in the characters, including the villain.

Apart from that, I enjoyed “Creatures of Chaos” and am keen on reading the next book in the series to find the next adventure that awaits our group.

Book Tour Schedule

Creatures of Chaos

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Creatures of Chaos by Ashley Brandt Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.


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