Crime and Justice

Crime and Justice by Martin Bodenham

Release: August 17th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Down & Out Books
Source: Damp Pebbles Blog Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US, Google BooksB&NWaterstones



What if we could no longer trust DNA profiling, the silver bullet of our criminal justice system? For years, we’ve relied on it to solve decades-old crimes, convict the guilty, and liberate the innocent from death row. But what happens to that trust when a crime lab scientist manipulates the evidence or, worse still, lose it altogether?

Ruthless Seattle mayor, Patti Rainsford, announces her candidacy for state governor. She’ll do anything to succeed. When Police arrest her son for the rape and assault of a seventeen-year-old girl, Rainsford’s political career is in jeopardy.

Detective Linda Farrell is assigned to investigate. After twelve years working in SPD’s sexual assault unit, her career is drifting, not helped by the single-minded detective’s contempt for police protocol and the pressure of her failing marriage. The high-profile rape case is a rare chance to shine and maybe even get her life back on track. Nothing will stop her from seeking justice for the young victim.

Clark Stanton is facing a financial meltdown with a mountain of personal debt and his wife’s business on a knife-edge. Then a stranger offers him a lifeline in return for a favor. As the manager of Seattle’s crime lab, all Clark has to do is make the rape kit evidence against the mayor’s son go away.

About the Author:

Martin Bodenham is the author of the crime thrillers The Geneva Connection, Once a Killer, and Shakedown. Crime And Justice is his latest novel.

After a thirty-year career in private equity and corporate finance in London, Martin moved to Canada’s west coast, where he writes full-time. He held corporate finance partner positions at both KPMG and Ernst & Young and senior roles at several private equity firms before founding his own private equity company in 2001. Much of his thrillers’ tension is based on the greed and fear he witnessed first-hand while working in international finance.

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Crime and Justice Review:

I loved this story! I just finished reading this book, and I still have goosebumps. The plot is a rollercoaster of crime fiction where nothing is what it seems. The twists keep coming on this one. Moreover, this is one of those stories that you need to read until the last page. Even the paragraph at the end has a shocking twist!

Although this is a work of fiction, it makes you think of the possible ‘what if’ scenarios, where you can believe something like this is happening in reality. The author writes the story in a believable manner, where you know that evidence and truth can be easily bought and manipulated. It shows how dirty people of power can play when threatened.

Similarly, Clark and Farrell are the stars of the show. I loved how the author portrayed them. They are ordinary, everyday people who do their best under the circumstances. Yet, the author compellingly writes their mindset and personality, which immediately makes them stand out. I also liked how we see Clark and Farrell’s personal lives take a toll because of the Rainsford Case. Similarly, Peltz, Patti, and Chace are characters you love to hate. I despised Peltz and thought he was a complete slimeball, albeit a very smart one.

I need to read all the author’s previous books because this book was too good! Overall, “Crime and Justice” is a fantastic read, and I highly recommend it if you are in the mood for a gripping crime thriller. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Book Tour Schedule

Crime and Justice

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Crime and Justice by Martin Bodenham Blog Tour hosted by Damp Pebbles Blog Tours




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