Cross Bronx by Peter Quinn

Cross Bronx

Cross Bronx by Peter Quinn
Release:September 13, 2022

Format: Ebook
Publisher: Empire State Editions
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



In his inimitable prose, master storyteller Peter Quinn chronicles his odyssey from the Irish Catholic precincts of the Bronx. Then to the arena of big-league politics and corporate hardball.

Cross Bronx is Peter Quinn’s one-of-a-kind account of his adventures as ad man, archivist, teacher. As well as a Wall Street messenger, court officer, political speechwriter, corporate scribe, and award-winning novelist. Like Pete Hamill, Quinn is a New Yorker through and through. His evolution from a childhood in a now-vanished Bronx. Later to his exploits in the halls of Albany and swish corporate offices. Finally, to then walking away from it all, is evocative and entertaining and enlightening from first page to last. Cross Bronx is bursting with witty, captivating stories.

Quinn is best known for his novels (all recently reissued by Fordham University Press under its New York ReLit imprint), most notably his American Book Award–winning novel Banished Children of Eve. Colum McCann has summed up Quinn’s trilogy of historical detective novels as “generous and agile and profound.” Quinn has now seized the time and inspiration afforded by “the strange interlude of the pandemic” to give his up-close-and-personal accounts of working as a speechwriter in political backrooms and corporate boardrooms.

About the Author:

Peter Quinn is a novelist, political historian, and foremost chronicler of New York City. He is the author of Banished Children of Eve, American Book Award winner; Looking for Jimmy: In Search of Irish America; and a trilogy of historical detective novels―Hour of the Cat, The Man Who Never Returned, and Dry Bones.

From 1979 to 1985 Quinn worked as chief speechwriter for New York Governors Hugh Carey and Mario Cuomo. He also helped craft Cuomo’s landmark speech at the 1984 Democratic Convention and his address on religion and politics at Notre Dame University. Quinn then joined Time Inc. as chief speechwriter and retired as corporate editorial director for Time Warner at the end of 2007. As an eyewitness and participant, he survived elections, mega-mergers, and urban ruin. In Cross Bronx he provides his insider’s view of high-powered politics and high-stakes corporate intrigue.

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Cross Bronx Review:

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Have you ever read a memoir that feels larger than life yet relatable? “Cross Bronx” left the same impact on me, and I was stunned by learning of the author’s experiences as a speechwriter.

When I started reading this, I was still determining if I would enjoy it, as the world of politics is not my cup of tea. The author does a lovely job of luring you into his world, where we see how he moved up from VISTA to a court office and moved on to the life of a political speechwriter. My favorite moments were reading about his experiences at Time Inc, Time Warner’s merger, its implications, and the election between Ed Koch and Mario Cuomo.

The author also highlights pivotal US history moments like the Vietnam War, Ronald Raegan’s presidency, the Riots, and the NYC Mayoral Election. It was interesting to see the amount of pressure a speechwriter has to develop the perfect dialogue, and I had no idea about the intricate workings behind the scenes.

Moreover, the book is about more than the author’s professional life. Personal moments, like his affection for the Hot Dog Girl, his marriage and family, and his struggles to write his novels, were exciting and made the memoir personal. Even the author’s childhood days were adorable as we see moments that influenced him, from his time in Parkchester to Shelter Island. Having lived in NYC for some time, I loved how the author painted the city beautifully and realistically. It was engrossing to read about the Express Thruway, and I also enjoyed the moments will Bill Kennedy and the interview towards the end.

Overall, “Cross Bronx: A Writing Life” is a beautiful memoir that will grab your attention and won’t let go.

Book Tour Schedule

Cross Bronx

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Cross Bronx by Peter Quinn Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.



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