Curse of the Specter Queen by Jenny Elder Moke

Curse of the Specter Queen

Curse of the Specter Queen by Jenny Elder Moke

Release: June 1st, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazonKindle, AudibleB&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD,




Samantha Knox put away her childish fantasies of archaeological adventure the day her father didn’t return home from the Great War, retreating to the safety of the antique bookshop where she works. But when a mysterious package arrives with a damaged diary inside, Sam’s peaceful life is obliterated. Ruthless men intend to reclaim the diary after Sam, setting her and her best friend, along with her childhood crush, on a high-stakes adventure that lands them in the green hills outside Dublin, Ireland.

Here they discover an ancient order with a dark purpose – to perform an occult ritual that will raise the Specter Queen, the Celtic goddess of vengeance and death, to bring about a war unlike any the world has ever seen. To stop them, Sam must solve a deviously complex cipher – one that will lead her on a treasure hunt to discover the ancient relic at the heart of the ritual: a bowl carved from the tree of life. Will she find the bowl and stop the curse of the Specter Queen, or will the ancient order bring about the end of the world?

Indiana Jones gets a refresh with this female-driven mystery adventure, set in the 1920s, full of ciphers, ancient relics, and heart-stopping action – the first in a brand-new series!

About the Author:

Jenny Elder Moke writes young adult fiction in an attempt to recapture the shining infinity of youth. She worked for several years at an independent publisher in Austin, TX, before realizing she would rather write the manuscripts than read them. Also, she is a member of the Texas Writer’s League and has studied children’s writing with Liz Garton Scanlon. Jenny was a finalist in the Austin Film Festival Fiction Podcast Competition in 2017 for her podcast script, Target. When she is not writing, she gathers story ideas from her daily adventures with her two irredeemable rapscallions and honors her ninja skills as a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Jenny lives in Denver, CO, with her husband and two children.

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Curse of the Specter Queen Review:

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I loved “Curse of the Specter Queen” so much and could not put it down. This book is easily one of the best Young Adult novels I have read this year.

Where do I even begin? Do I talk about how the author mixed adventure with fantasy and gave us a terrific Indiana Jones-like story? Or do I talk about how much I loved all the characters – Sam, Bennett, Jo, and even Amos? Or maybe I should mention how the author gave this book an excellent historical feel, where I felt like I was back in the 30s dining with the characters aboard a fancy ship? There are SO many things I loved about this story that made me finish it in one sitting.

Moreover, the author did a fantastic job of pacing the story. There is a sense of mystery right from chapter one, as Sam’s bookshop lights on fire. Sam is terrific in the lead as she deals with her loss of work, her feelings for Bennett, and her rekindling her friendship with Jo. Also, I loved the adventure element as the group travels across Dublin as they try to solve the mystery behind Father Jacob’s diary. However, they don’t realize the danger they find themselves in that involved a pagan ritual, a sinister cult, and a crazy person who plans to destroy the Earth! I loved how the author adds Neolithic settlements and ciphers in the story, which sparked my interest in archeology. My favorite characters in the story were Jo and Amos. I loved Jo’s personality and how her sneaky skills come in handy when needed.

Overall, “Curse of the Specter Queen” is a fantastic start to the series, and I can’t wait for the sequel.


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Curse of the Specter Queen

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Curse of the Specter Queen by Jenny Elder Moke Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Fire and Ice-Excerpt-6-1-2021
Lisa Loves Literature-Review-6-2-2021
YA Books Central-Excerpt-6-3-2021
Jazzy Book Reviews-Excerpt-6-4-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-6-5-2021

Week Two:
The Reading Wordsmith-Review-6-6-2021
Kait Plus Books-Excerpt-6-7-2021
A Court of Coffee and Books-Review-6-8-2021
The Bookwyrm’s Den-Review-6-9-2021
Stuck in the Stacks -Review-6-10-2021
Do You Dog-ear?-Review-6-11-2021
Christen Krumm-Review-6-12-2021

Week Three:
What A Nerd Girl Says-Review-6-13-2021
Nay’s Pink Bookshelf -Review-6-14-2021
Thindbooks Blog-Review-6-15-2021
History from a Woman’s Perspective -Review-6-16-2021
Emelie’s Books-Review-6-17-2021
Eli to the nth-Review-6-18-2021

Week Four:
Books Are Magic Too -Review-6-20-2021
Star-Crossed Book Blog-Review-6-21-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-6-23-2021
The Book View-Review-6-24-2021
Momfluenster -Review-6-25-2021

Week Five:
Book Briefs-Review-6-27-2021
Always Me-Review-6-28-2021
The Book Review Crew-Review-6-29-2021

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