Darkness on the Edge of Town

Darkness on the Edge of Town by Matthew Hattersley

Release: August 1, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Boom Boom Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



They thought John Beckett would be an easy target. They thought wrong.

Deep undercover as the right-hand man of a ruthless crime lord, secret service officer John Beckett’s mission suddenly takes a deadly turn. When a mysterious data leak puts his life on the line, he must make a choice that will change his life forever.

On the run and with danger tailing him, Beckett races against time to save his niece, Amber, from vicious kidnappers. But with deadly threats closing in, he comes to the startling revelation he can trust no one… not even his closest allies.

The streets of London become a battlefield as Beckett struggles to stay one step ahead of his enemies and protect Amber. All the while he confronts the dark truth about The Consortium. It is a shadowy organization that will stop at nothing to maintain its grip on power.

Can Beckett save Amber and bring down those intent on destroying him? Or will he become the ultimate pawn in their deadly game? Only one thing is certain. Danger lurks in every shadow and time is not on Beckett’s side.

Darkness On The Edge Of Town is a fast-paced thrill ride . It is perfect for fans of  David Baldacci, Lee Child, David Silva and Mark Dawson

About the Author:

Matthew Hattersley was born in Yorkshire, in the UK. Over the last twenty years he has toured Europe in a rock n roll band, trained as a professional actor and founded a theatre and media company.

He’s also had a lot of boring jobs to help sustain his creative endeavours.

Now we writes action thrillers and crime fiction. He is the author of the bestselling Acid Vanilla series and the upcoming John Beckett series.

He lives with his wife and daughter in Derbyshire, UK and is not too comfortable writing about himself in third person.

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Darkness on the Edge of Town Review:

The highlight of the story, as I see it, resides in the compelling interplay between Amber and Beckett. The author deftly nurtures their relationship as they embark on a fugitive journey to elude the pursuit of Rufus Delaney. I found the portrayal of John Beckett’s character particularly appealing, as he evolves from a soldier into a vigilant guardian, steadfastly ensuring Amber’s safety.
The supporting cast also leaves a mark, most notably Beaumont, whose connection with Beckett stands as a testament to their shared history and the adversities they’ve confronted. An unexpected standout is Ruth Armitage, whose brief appearance manages to leave a lasting impression.
Furthermore, the author’s skillful rendering of Delaney as the antagonist provides insight into his familial life and the perils that cast a shadow over his operations. The exploration of power dynamics within the sphere of criminal enterprises, along with Delaney’s strategic maneuvers involving the Consortium, adds an engaging layer to the narrative.
I appreciate the author’s adept management of the story’s pacing. Skillfully weaving an atmosphere of tension and urgency, the author guides the plot through the perilous terrain of espionage and intrigue. Noteworthy are the unexpected twists introduced during the climactic moments, diverting from my initial expectations. A sense of tension and captivation arises during instances when Amber detects impending peril and when Beaumont takes extraordinary measures to assist Beckett.
In conclusion, “Darkness on the Edge of Town” stands as a captivating start to the John Beckett series. I am eagerly awaiting of revisiting these finely crafted characters in the forthcoming installment.
Book Tour Schedule

Darkness on the Edge of Town

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Darkness on the Edge of Town by Matthew Hattersley Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.

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