Dear Diary, It's Me

Dear Diary, It’s Me By Lucinda Lamont

Release:February 10, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Next Chapter 
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon,



Can you keep a secret?

Alice is a young, budding professional, on a seemingly slippery slope. Struggling with life and drinking excessively, she doesn’t want anyone to know how bad her problem is becoming.

Power couple Hannah and Craig can’t conceive, which sends them down separate paths of betrayal.

Ollie has been bullied all his life, and neglected by his mother. When a new girl, Sky, starts at his school, could she be everything he has been looking for?

Disgraced PE teacher and now local pub landlord, Phil, lives a sordid life. No one knows what lengths of depravity he will go to, to get his kicks out of life.

Can Alice break the cycle of destruction she is on?

Will Hannah and Craig destroy their relationship for good?

Can Ollie get the peace he craves in life?

Does Phil get exposed for who he really is?



About the Author:

Lucinda is 35 and lives in Hampshire. Born in Aberdeenshire, she spent the early years of her life in a small fishing town before relocating with her mother to the South Coast.

She is the middle child and only girl with four brothers.

Lucinda began her higher education in studying Performing Arts and then began a degree in Law (but dropped out). She is a qualified hairdresser but the arts always drew her back in and she took up an interest in writing, alongside an established career in software sales.

Mother of one to a young son, she spends her spare time soaking up the Hampshire countryside and plotting her next stories.

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Dear Diary, It’s Me  Review:

The main reason I enjoyed the story is how the author executed it. When I started reading this book, I had no idea how the author would take it. Initially, I thought it would just be a journey of Alice coping with her alcoholism via her diary entries. The author then introduces characters like Hannah and Craig, Ollie and Sky, and even Phil, each with their storyline. Initially, all the storylines feel disconnected, and you have yet to learn how they will merge, but the author surprises you and takes the story in a direction you don’t expect. The author nicely toggles between the characters in each chapter, so you always have a bright moment.

I loved Hannah and Craig’s storyline, and Hannah was the most memorable character for me. I felt terrible for Hannah because of the emotional stress she went through. Similarly, Ollie also warmed my heart, and I enjoyed his scenes with Sky and how he finally starts to get past his insecurities around people. On the other hand, Phil was the creepiest man I had read lately because of the unspeakable disgusting thoughts he used to have. Alice’s storyline stood out because the author wrote her arc via journal entries, which the author could have continued for the latter half and the character. Each character stood out somehow, and I enjoyed their storylines.

Perhaps the only awkward moment was how the author merged all the storylines. While I liked how the story arcs joined towards the end, parts felt unrealistic, too smooth, and forced. Nevertheless, “Dear Diary, It’s Me” is a fun thriller you can read in one sitting.

Book Tour Schedule

Dear Diary, It's Me

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Dear Diary, It’s Me By Lucinda Lamont Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.


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