Death and Mr Fould

Death and Mr Fould by Alan Derosby

Release: 31st October 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: SpellBound Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon 


A stunning gothic historical hybrid genre story perfect for Halloween!

Max Fould, an aristocrat from the Fould banking family, goes off to war under the leadership of Napoleon.

While stranded in Russia, he encounters a creature that sets his life on an unimaginable path based on Russian folklore.

Follow Max Fould from post-revolutionary France to the First World War, where his past and present come full circle.

About the Author:

Alan Derosby, a Maine native, has spent the past several years focusing on his passion: writing.  Alan has created original and spooky short stories, having several published in a variety of anthologies. MAN OF CLAY is his debut novel.

When not writing, Alan is teaching history at Messalonskee High School in Oakland, Maine, spending time with his wife and daughter, or watching the New York Mets suffer through another disappointing season.

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Death and Mr Fould Review:

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When I started reading this book, I had no idea how larger than life it would become. The author tells the tale so grippingly in three parts, and each section stands out. My favorite was the second part, where Max meets Alice, and I liked the touch of romance the author added. Even Molly became one of my favorites. However, the author’s creativity indeed showed in the third part, as he puts historical events from the end of the Russian Empire, like Rasputin and Nicholas II, into the picture. Seeing reality mixed with fiction and fantasy was exciting, and this was the book’s highlight for me.

Moreover, the author wrote both the lead characters wonderfully. I loved Max from the get-go and his eagerness to do what was right. He had no idea how his life would change once he met Kutkh. The author takes us on an unforgettable adventure as we see the various ups and down that Max goes through. Similarly, Kutkh is a force to be reckoned with, and I had wondered how Max could beat him. The Raven was two steps ahead of him whenever Max went, pushing Max to a life of guilt and misery. I was glued to the pages, wondering how it would turn out.

The only minor criticism is how some parts felt repetitive, particularly Kutkh retelling his plans or Max’s feelings for Alice. Also, I would have liked more history on Devana and felt there needed to be more closure from such characters in the end.

Nevertheless, I loved reading “Death and Mr. Fould” and how the author mixed historical fiction with fantasy and facts. The author has a beautiful talent for thinking outside the box, and I would love to read some of his other works.


Book Tour Schedule

 Death and Mr Fould I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Death and Mr Fould by Alan Derosby Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.


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