Derek Hyde’s Spooky Scavenger Hunt by E. Michael Lunsford

Spooky Scavenger Hunt

Derek Hyde’s Spooky Scavenger Hunt by E. Michael Lunsford

Release: July 1st 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: INtense Publications LLC
Source: RABT Book Tours & PR
Find it at: Publisher | Amazon



Spookaphobic Derek Hyde has a problem: He has to live in the haunted Hyde Funeral Home & Body Parts shop with his adoptive mortician parents, Jack and Formalda. What’s worse, Derek really misses his birth parents—who supposedly died. Turns out, they’re not so dead.

About the Author:

E. Michael Lunsford is the author of an award-winning play, Scary, Scary Night, and a book of wacky kid’s poems, Sometimes I Get My Shoes on Backwards, winner of the Readers’ Favorite International Book Award, and . His debut novel, Derek Hyde Knows Spooky When He Sees It (INtense Publications, Dec 2019), was the first of the funny Derek Hyde series of spooky middle grade books. Michael is also a musician, composer, inventor, entrepreneur and chief cook & bottle washer who works and lives with his wife and love of his life in San Carlos, California.

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Derek Hyde’s Spooky Scavenger Hunt Review:

I did not read the previous book in the series but I really loved this story. The story gives a brief flashback of what happened in the previous book, and can also be read as a standalone. But, what a fun ride this book was!

Firstly, I really loved the author’s style of writing. He has a wonderful talent for writing middle grade adventure stories. There is never a dull moment in the story. Derek and Prudence go on a roller-coaster ride from escaping alligators in the marshes, outsmarting a swamp witch, chasing a devious villain in a circus, to hanging out with ghost pirates! The entire plot is so wacky and unbelievable, yet the author made it so entertaining. My favorite scene is when they meet the pirates and go on the haunted ride in the circus. If I ever wanted a fictional adventure, I would definitely choose Derek and Prudence as my partners.

Moreover, Derek and Prudence share a wonderful relationship. They support and trust each other, and always look out for one another. Also, they are so charming and positive, even when they are in dangerous circumstances. However, my favorite character was Claire Voyant. She is such a funny yet mysterious character. I would love a separate series just on her. I felt very bad for Charlie though. He seemed like such a jolly character, and I wish he had stuck around for the entire story.

The author also provides a snippet of the next book in the series, which sounds equally exciting. If you love middle grade adventures like the Percy Jackson series, but with ghosts instead of mythological characters, you should definitely read this one! Overall, this was very entertaining and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Tour Schedule

Spooky Scavenger Hunt

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Derek Hyde’s Spooky Scavenger Hunt by E. Michael Lunsford Blog Tour hosted by RABT Book Tours & PR. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Virtual Book Tour – July 20 – July 24

RABT Book Tours – Kick Off – July 20
Jazzy Book Reviews – Review – July 20
Nesie’s Place – Excerpt – July 21
Rajiv’s Reviews – Review – July 22
Nana’s Book Reviews – Spotlight – July 23
B For Book Review – Excerpt – July 24
RABT Reviews – Wrap Up – July 24

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