Dissection by Cristina LePort



Dissection by Cristina LePort

Release: September 20, 2022
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Bancroft Press
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, Audible



DISSECTION is the suspense-filled story of DC heart surgeon Dr. Steven Leeds, who becomes suddenly besieged by a number of complicated heart attack and stroke cases, all caused by dissection, a rare medical condition. Complicating the mystery is the fact that each of the victims had received cards announcing: “Your heart attack/stroke will arrive within one hour!” – just before their attack.

Private detective Kirk Miner and FBI agent Jack Mulville investigate, and immediately suspect Dr. Leeds’ former lover, Dr. Silvana Moretti, a brilliant research scientist, who harbors a grudge against all the victims. 

When prominent people in the U.S. government begin to receive the same threatening cards and experience the same deadly cardiac emergencies, it falls to an unlikely team of three: Miner, a headstrong FBI agent; Mulville, the gifted private investigator; and Dr. Leeds, the conflicted heart surgeon―to find the real perpetrators and foil the catastrophic plot before it’s too late. 

Says Dr. LePort, “At medical school, I specialized in Internal Medicine, and had been practicing for over 17 years when, one day, while attempting to get into a Cardiology fellowship, I began listening to Ayn Rand’s lectures   The Art of Fiction. I was inspired to write a novel and became addicted to the feeling of entering a world where I could make anything happen.”

DISSECTION is a taut thriller that combines cutting-edge medical technology with complex characters, set against a believable backdrop of medical science informed by Dr. LePort’s long career as a cardiologist.

About the Author:

Dr. Cristina LePort was born in Bologna, Italy. She attended medical school at the University of Bologna and then completed her medical training at Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn and at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is board certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Diseases and has been practicing medicine for more than thirty years. Cristina is also the Chief Medical Officer and co-founder of Genescient, a biotech company devoted to genetic research on aging and the amelioration of chronic diseases. Medicine and fiction are her twin passions, and she is absolutely thrilled to be able to share her medical thrillers with the world.

LePort currently resides in Orange County, California, with her husband Peter LePort, a general surgeon. They have three children and three grandchildren.

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Dissection Review:

“Dissection” is a gripping medical thriller (the first one I have probably read in this combo), and it was an exciting roller coaster ride.

I cannot believe this is the author’s debut because it is so good! It is along the same lines as John Grisham or James Patterson. The story starts on a solid note, and halfway into the plot, it gets more gripping and shocking with twists and turns. Moreover, I loved the medical theme behind the story. I have never read a book where the thriller sets on a medical condition, and the author also makes it so tech-savvy and innovative. The entire premise is so polished and intelligent that you feel that something like this could happen in reality. As the story progresses, you see how it connects to a more significant threat, where the stakes a higher. The author also paces the story so well, where almost every chapter has something shocking happening.

Moreover, I loved the character growth and how my opinion of the people changed over the plot. For instance, I wouldn’t say I liked Mulville because he is harsh towards others. But he soon turned out to be my favorite character, and I loved his rapport with Kirk. Similarly, Kirk and Steve also added nicely to the plot. The author also doesn’t sidetrack the story by focusing n the romance between Steve and Silvana. Even Bloom is a character that fascinated me even though she only makes a brief appearance. I hope the author writes this as a series, as I would love to see the three core characters return for another action-packed adventure.

Overall, “Dissection” is one of the best debut thrillers this year, and I encourage all to pick up this one.

Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Dissection by Cristina LePort Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours



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