Eat Your Heart Out by Kelly deVos

Eat Your Heart

Eat Your Heart Out by Kelly DeVos

Release: June 29th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Razorbill
Source: TBR and Beyond Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazonBook DepositoryBarnes & Noble, IndigoIndieBound.



Shaun of the Dead meets Dumplin’ in this bitingly funny YA thriller about a kickass group of teens battling a ravenous group of zombies.

In the next few hours, one of three things will happen.  1. Rescue .2 Freeze to death 3.Eaten by zombies
Vivian Ellenshaw is fat, but she knows she doesn’t need to lose weight. So she’s none too happy to find herself forced into a weight-loss camp’s van with her ex-best friend, Allie, a meathead jock who can barely drive, and the camp owner’s snobby son. And when they arrive at Camp Featherlite at the start of the worst blizzard in the history of Flagstaff, Arizona, it’s clear that something isn’t right.

Vee barely has a chance to meet the other members of her pod, all of who seem as unhappy to be at Featherlite as she does, when a camper goes missing down by the lake. Then she spots something horrifying outside in the snow. Something that isn’t human. Plus, the camp’s supposed “miracle cure” for obesity seems fishy, and Vee and her fellow campers know they don’t need to be cured. Of anything.

Even worse, it’s not long before Camp Featherlite’s luxurious bungalows are totally overrun with zombies. What starts as a mission to unravel the camp’s secrets turns into a desperate fight for survival, and not all of the Featherlite campers will make it out alive.

A satirical blend of horror, body positivity, and humor, Kelly DeVos’s witty, biting novel proves that everyone deserves to feel validated, and taking down the evil enterprise determined to dehumanize you is a good place to start.

About the Author:

Kelly DeVos is from Gilbert, Arizona, where she lives with her high school sweetheart husband, amazing teen daughter, and superhero dog, Cocoa. And she holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Arizona State University. Kelly can typically be found with a mocha in hand when not reading or writing, bingeing the latest TV shows, and adding to her ever-growing sticker collection.

Besides, Kelly is represented by Chloe Seager of the Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency in London. Her work on body positivity has been featured in the New York Times and Vulture, Salon, Bustle, and SheKnows. Also, Kelly’s debut novel, Fat Girl on a Plane, was named one of the “50 Best Summer Reads of All Time” by Reader’s Digest magazine. Her second book, Day Zero, is available now from Inkyard Press/HarperCollins.

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Eat Your Heart Out Review:

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“The Walking Dead” meets “Friday the 13th” meets “Dumpin'”! As a fan of campy slasher movies, I found “Eat your Heart Out” thoroughly entertaining.

To begin with, I liked all the characters. Each of them brought something new to the story and made it fresh. While you have the stereotypical jock, popular girl, nerd, and the others, the author makes the characters distinctive. From the women, my favorites were Allison and Rachel. I thought Allison was badass, whereas my heart went out to Rachel.
Similarly, I liked Paul and Sheldon from the boys. I loved how the author portrays Paul’s guilt as he feels partly responsible for the events. Likewise, Sheldon is intelligent, engaging, and he also surprised me with his bravery.

Similarly, the author tells the story in a gripping manner where you wonder how the story will lead. As the story progresses, the death count starts to rise, and you wonder who will survive in the end. Some of them were pretty shocking as I expected them to stay. Also, Some scenes had me at the edge of my seat, particularly towards the end. The concept and the background of the zombies were also interesting.

However, while I loved the book overall, I wish there was more depth to the characters. The story is pure camp and thrills, and while I loved it, I would have liked the author to personalize the characters more. Moreover, I would have appreciated more background on Zanna and Kaiser, as it felt that the author only touched the surface of that background.

Overall, “Eat Your Heart Out” is very entertaining and perfect for readers who love a good slasher story with teen characters.


Book Tour Schedule

Eat Your Heart

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Eat Your Heart Out by Kelly DeVos Blog Tour hosted by TBR and Beyond Tours

June 28th
Shelf Love – Interview & Review
Rae’Reading Lounge – Review & Favourite Quotes
The Portuguese Bibliophile – Promo Post
A Bronx Latina Reads – Review

June 29th
The Book View – Review
Kait Plus Books – Journal Spread & Top 5 Reasons to Read Eat Your Heart Out
Bookishfairytail – Review & Favourite Quotes
The Broke Book Blog – Review & Playlist

June 30th
Melancholic Blithe – 15 Reactions While Reading Eat Your Heart Out & Mood Board
Stuck in Fiction – Promo Post
Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile – Review

July 1st
Luminosity Library – Interview, Review & Mood Board
Nine Bookish Lives – Review
Ace Reader – Review & Top 5 Reasons to Read Eat Your Heart Out
Popthebutterfly Reads – Review

July 2nd
Cinelinx – Review
A Book and Chai – Review & Top 3 Reasons to Read Eat Your Heart Out
Storme Reads A Lot – Promo Post

July 3rd
The Book Dutchesses – Review
The Clever Reader – 15 Reactions While Reading Eat Your Heart Out
Confessions of a YA Reader -Review
Rajiv’s Reviews – Review

July 4th
Frolic Media – Interview
Miss Linda Bennet – Review & Favourite Quotes
Twirling Book Princess – Promo Post
I Dream in Books – Review, Playlist & Favourite Quotes

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