Echoes of Home

Echoes of Home by M.L Rayner

Release: January 1st 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Question Mark Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon,



After accepting a generous opportunity to start afresh, Leslie Wills, eagerly begins his journey to the Scottish Highlands of Elphin.  It is a settled village that sits huddled amongst the mountains.

The people are welcoming, and the scenery is breath taking.

But deep within its Highland paths, there is a location without  the public’s knowledge. This an atmospheric location you love to learn the truth of its troubled past.

But once you bear witness to its sights and sounds, you will never forget its presence. Then, you uncover the truth, journeying back to a forgotten time.

Echoes of Home, is beautifully crafted into a plot full of secrets and suspicion. You will start  longing for answers. A ghost story, which will haunt you long after it’s finished…

About the Author:

Born and bred in the county of Staffordshire. Matt is a keen reader of classical, horror and fantasy literature and enjoys writing in the style of traditional ghost stories. During his working life, Matt joined the ambulance service in 2009, transporting critically ill patients all over the UK. After writing his first novel, Matt became a part of the family of Question Mark Press publishing. And , he now dedicates his time on future releases. His hobbies include genealogy and hiking, and he enjoys spending time with his wife, Emma, his children, and his family.

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Echoes of Home Review:

The highlight of the story is the connection between Les and Coull. What surprised me was how the author managed to write the friendship between the two characters nicely. The tale mainly focuses on the ghost story surrounding Elphin Cottage, but I got immersed in Coull and Les’s bond. Both have spent time in loneliness, and it was heartwarming to read how the situation brings them together.

Secondly, I liked how the author brought the elements of a classic ghost story into the picture. We get instances of spooky rattlings, and unexplained tappings, in a ghostly cottage, where Les, our hero, witnesses strange occurrences. The story will give you shivers in some scenes, and the parts where Les sees an image in the window or what he experiences in the woods stood out for me. Moreover, I enjoyed how the author incorporates different styles, like letter inserts from other characters, that add to the story’s charm.

Thirdly, I liked Les in the leading role. He is someone who is trying to build a new life after facing loneliness with all the family members leaving. It was interesting to see how he reacts to the situations he encounters, even with people like Jonathan, who returns to his life for a short while. The author portrayed the emotions of the cast very well.

Perhaps the story’s only improvement I would have liked was the climax. I felt the story took a more emotional and easy turn when I would have liked a more build-up for the ending, especially on the villain and other vital characters.

Overall, “Echoes of Home” is a simple yet emotional ghost story that will spook you at times and get you teary-eyed, too. It was a lovely read.

Book Tour Schedule

Echoes of Home

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Echoes of Home by M.L Rayner Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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