Emergency Drill

Emergency Drill by Chris Blackwater

Release: September 26, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: ‎ City Stone Publishing
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon | B&N



Shortlisted for the 2020 Crime Writers’ Association Debut Dagger award

Newly qualified offshore medic, Danny Verity, arrives on the Cuillin Alpha oil platform shortly before a storm damages the satellite system, severing the crew’s only mode of communication to the mainland.

Storm or sabotage?

Danny is forced to perform emergency surgery on an injured crewmate, whose accident he suspects was the result of sabotage. The man dies, a member of the crew disappears, and yet another is attacked.

Enter the Pied Piper, whose sinister announcements carry his threats through the entire platform.

While the North Sea rages around them, emotions and suspicions run high.

Danny knows he’s the only one who can stop the saboteur. But will the crew trust him?

With no way of calling in help and unable to risk escaping on the lifeboats, everyone aboard the oil platform is trapped. So is the killer… and Danny is determined to smoke him out.

About the Author:

Chris Blackwater is a writer and chartered engineer from Leeds, England. His first novel Emergency Drill, book 1 in the Danny Verity, PI series, set on a North Sea oil platform, was shortlisted for the 2020  CWA Debut Dagger Award. His short stories have appeared in a variety of magazines and anthologies including contributions to the much-missed Mad Scientist Journal.

Book two in the series, Dead Crude, is  set in Orkney. Apart from Danny Verity, it features other characters who survived Emergency Drill. He is  working on a third book in the series, called Head Hunting.

Chris began writing to entertain himself whilst working on offshore oil platforms and remote power stations. His career has taken him all over the world to unusual locations and introduced him to some remarkable characters. In recent years Chris has gradually drifted down to the south coast of England where he spends his spare time learning to sail and play the flute, though not at the same time.

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Emergency Drill Review:

What truly captivated my attention within the “Emergency Drill” pages was its fast pace. Each chapter immerses you in an exhilarating sequence of events, making it impossible to put the book down once you’ve embarked on the journey. As the medic thrust into the offshore site amidst inclement weather, Danny shines as the lead character. As soon as he settles in, a chilling murder occurs, perpetrated by a sinister figure known as The Pied Piper. This murderer casts a shadow of suspense over the narrative, leaving us in anticipation regarding his intentions toward the crew and his next target.

Furthermore, the author masterfully induces moments of claustrophobia, mirroring the harrowing situations in which Danny and his team find themselves. The author’s meticulous portrayal of the rig is impressive, showcasing a deep understanding of the subject matter, and unsettling, as it immerses the reader in the story’s unnerving atmosphere, where the identity of the potential threat remains uncertain.

The supporting cast adds depth to the story, significantly increasing the pool of potential suspects in The Pied Piper’s identity. Characters like Callum and Gemma provide valuable support to Danny in his quest to uncover the truth, while figures like Mickey, Cameron, Stevie, and Snakey leave a lasting impression. Mickey, in particular, stands out due to his unpredictable nature, keeping readers guessing about his next move.

The only drawback to the narrative is the occasional overload of crew and cast members to remember. Moreover, some characters are referenced by their first or last names, occasionally necessitating a few recall moments.

Despite these minor quibbles, my overall experience with “Emergency Drill” was thoroughly enjoyable, and I eagerly anticipate the author’s future works featuring the captivating character of Danny.

Book Tour Schedule

Emergency Drill

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Emergency Drill by Chris Blackwater Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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