End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies About the End of the World by Sylvia Browne, Lindsay Harrison


End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies About the End of the World by Sylvia Browne, Lindsay Harrison
Release: June 24th 2008
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Dutton
Source: Amazon




The Apocalypse. The Rapture. The End of Days. Humans have long been concerned with the ultimate clash of civilizations, but never more so than now. The world has become a scary place?religious wars, global terrorism, and genocide are all over the news, and thanks to the Internet, the Information Age has ushered in the Anxiety Age. Who better to lead the way out than Sylvia Browne, the most popular psychic working today?

In End of Days, she tackles the most daunting of subjects with her trademark clarity, wisdom, and serenity. She does not shy away from the most daunting and difficult predictions about what will happen to the human race. And throughout she comments on all the End of Days prophecies and predictions that have people speculating that the end is indeed near.

For anyone who?s ever wondered where we?re headed, and what?if anything?we can do to prevent a catastrophe of biblical proportions, End of Days is a riveting and insightful must-read.

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End of Days Review:

This book was released in 2008 when I feel people were scared the world would come to an end in 2012 due to the Mayan calendar. The first 3/4th of the book is pretty interesting where she talks about the various civilizations like the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Navajo, Hopi and how they prophesied how the world would end. I love reading about civilizations so I found this section to be very interesting!

After she talks about the civilizations, the author drills into the various religions on how they perceive good and evil. Later on, she touches on the famous people in history like Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Issac Newton, Nostradamus and HG Wells and how they predicted the future during their time. Moreover, the author also briefly mentions about the various cults like the Manson murders, Heavens Gate and David Koresh and how people blindly believed them and their prophecies because they perceived to be the next God incarnate. Until this point, I was still engrossed in the book because it focused on the past mainly and how people from the specific era looked at the future.

But after all this, the author starts giving her predictions about how the world will be in the next 100 years or so because she is after all a psychic. She gives a lot of predictions out of which, the famous one in the spotlight is:

In around 2020 a severe pneumonia -like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. . Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived , attack again ten years later, and the disappears completely .

To be honest, of ALL the things that she predicts, this is probably the only one that has come true. Since this book released in 2008, she predicts a lot of things that should have happened from 2010 to 2019. But in reality most of which did not! I think the author is very lucky because of all the random stuff that she predicts, only this ONE thing about the pandemic is true. In the end, I feel it is a big coincidence or just luck to put her in the spotlight. I don’t believe that the author predicted this 12 years back and feel it is a sheer coincidence. But overall, I thought this book was OK because there are some interesting facts the author provides of various civilizations. It was also interesting to see the author’s perspective of people’s predictions from the past.

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