Erebus Dawning by A.J. Super

Erebus Dawning

Erebus Dawning (Seven Stars Saga, #1) by A.J. Super

Release: May 11, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Aethon Books
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, Audible



“Those who can destroy a world can control the universe.”

Everyone wants the Star of Erebus. Space-pirate Nyx Marcus is no exception. With it, she can prove to her father that she is worthy of his legacy. But she’s come up empty-handed aboard the space-ship Thanatos and now Malcam, her father’s First Officer, is mutinying. As Nyx flees with a loyal skeleton crew, she discovers that the planet-killing weapon, named after one of the seven gods, is more than what it seems. Erebus isn’t a simple weapon, but an ancient AI and a technological god.

With the oppressive Queen of the Protectorate and new pirate captain Malcam searching for the Thanatos and Erebus, the AI god has more surprises for Nyx. Waking dormant AI code in Nyx’s blood, Erebus reveals they are family and Nyx is the head of the Seven Stars pantheon. But while Nyx’s only choice is to protect Erebus, she wants no part of her AI responsibilities. Now Nyx must learn to control her power without sacrificing her own humanity or give her enemies a new way to oppress the known universe and lose the family she holds dear.

About the Author:

Angela Super earned two Bachelors’ degrees from the University of Idaho in the Creative Writing and Theater programs. She has been an author since she was old enough to write (and illustrate) a stapled-together ABC book, which she still has packed away in a box of childhood memorabilia. Currently, she lives in Kansas with her husband who is a High School Graphic Arts Teacher and two fuzz-brained kittiots. She loves to make costumes, cosplay, and occasionally she plays D&D or MTG with teacher-friends during summer vacation.

Angela is inspired by Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Dispossessed and her two feisty grandmas, and she devours sci-fi and fantasy in every medium. She is an active member of the Twitter writing community, and also works with several amazing writing groups, frequently getting to read and critique wonderful unpublished work.

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Erebus Dawning Review:

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People who read my reviews know that I am not an avid reader of science fiction and space operas. There are very few books that hold my interest in the genre, and needless to say, I loved “Erebus Dawning.”

There are so many unforgettable moments in this book! Firstly, let me start with the plot. While the first few pages were bumpy, I had no trouble getting into the world. I felt like I was beside Nyx and aboard with the rest of the crew of Thanatos as they encounter space pirates, diffuse bombs, and fight for their lives. The author fills the book with enough action, adventure, romance, and tech-savvy space drama that kept me entertained.

More than the action and adventure, I enjoyed the characters. Nyx is exciting in the lead as she tries to find the Star of Erebus and how it changes her life. I loved the scenes she shares with Kai and how he helps her with her journey. Similarly, there is the character you love to hate like Malcam and The Queen. The author takes the story to another level where we get introduced to AI characters. Moreover, the highlight of the story for me was Nyx’s interactions with Nue-Erebus. Similarly, I also enjoyed Nyx’s interactions with Matthews.

The story ends satisfyingly, making you look forward to the sequel to see what happens. I hope we learn more of the backstory between Nyx and her father, as I felt the author didn’t touch on it much in this book. Overall, “Erebus Dawning” is a beautiful start to the series, and I am for the next installment!


Giveaway Details:
1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon GC, International

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Erebus Dawning

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Erebus Dawning (Seven Stars Saga, #1) by A.J. Super-Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Rockstar Book Tours-Kickoff Post-5-31-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Dream Cast-6-1-2021
Jaime’s World-Excerpt-6-2-2021
Jaimerockstarbooktours-Instagram Post-6-3-2021
Curlygrannylovestoread -Top 5 Books & Movies-6-4-2021

Week Two:
TLC Book Nook-Excerpt-6-7-2021
Hurn Publications-God of Bounty Short-6-8-2021
Jazzy Book Reviews-God of War Short-6-9-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-6-11-2021

Week Three:
Lady Hawkeye-Review-6-14-2021
@lexijava_bookish -Excerpt-6-15-2021
A Dream Within A Dream-Excerpt-6-16-2021
Simply Daniel Radcliffe-Review-6-17-2021
The Obsessed Reader-Book Playlist-6-18-2021

Week Four:
Fire and Ice-Review -6-21-2021
Living in a Bookworld-Guest Post-6-22-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review -6-23-2021

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