Eyes That Speak by Christy Bowe

Eyes That Speak

Eyes That Speak by Christy Bowe

Release: December 7, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: SheaDean Publishing LLC
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Eyes that Speak is a revealing, behind the scenes, through the lens perspective on some of the famous eyes that have spoken to the world. While having the honor of capturing amazing moments and events in history during the course of a thirty year photographic career, photo journalist Christy Bowe has always learned something from each of her subjects. The power of the camera has transported her to places and exposed her to situations that most people only read about.

In an intimate and personal journey that spans photographing subjects from a declared terrorist to Queen Elizabeth II, separated by only a few yards and security personnel, this book captures those moments when a subject’s eyes speak to the world through photographic images. Eyes That Speak is a compelling, pictorial look into the work of a Washington based photojournalist as she shares life lessons gained while capturing some of the most significant moments in history.

About the Author:

BEFORE SHE JUMPED out of an airplane at 13,500 feet and earned her first-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Christy Bowe, a third-generation Washingtonian, was thrown out of Catholic school in the ninth grade for refusing to conform. She briefly attended Montgomery College in Rockville, Maryland. Later, she attended the University of Missouri Photo Workshop in Carthage, Missouri.

Most of her education has been on the job. In pursuit of her passion for photography, Christy earned her way into the circle of White House press photographers. Also, with support from celebrated White House reporter the late Sarah McClendon, Christy started Image Catcher News Service. She is represented by Getty Images, Zuma Press and Polaris Images. Her pictures have been featured in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, and Rolling Stone.

Her corporate clients have included Harley Davidson, The National Science Foundation, The National Press Club and The National Organization for Women. Christy is currently a member of the White House Press Corps, House and Senate Press Photographers’ Gallery. Also, she is the member of White House Correspondents’ Association and White House News Photographers’ Association. She has lectured at American University, Montgomery College, and George Mason University. She has ten images preserved in the George W. Bush Presidential Library. Christy resides in Bethesda, Maryland, and continues to work as a photojournalist, currently covering her fifth U.S. President, Joseph R. Biden.

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Eyes That Speak Review:

Firstly, let me commend the author for publishing this outstanding work. This book was by far one of the most fascinating and unique books I have read recently. “Eyes that Speak” is one of those books that even those who hate to read, or even those not interested in politics, would be curious to pick up and glance through.

From Bill Clinton and Gerald Ford to Donald Trump and President Biden, the author takes us on a journey through photographs of pivotal moments that captured the world’s attention. What’s nice about this book is that the author doesn’t waste time talking about the Presidents’ life history but captures moments that make them stand out.

Moreover, I loved reading about how the author got into photography and started shooting in the political landscape. I learned about WHNPA and NPC and how the author manages to capture the moment.
Although I read the news and stay in tune with current affairs, I was surprised to recall many incidents that the author beautifully highlights over the past few decades. The book also focuses on the recent incidents of Black Lives Matter and the latest presidential elections.

Also, the author does not focus only on US Presidents. We get a span of other notable public figures and notable celebrities who also visited. Some prominent figures are the Dalai Lama, Queen Elizabeth II, Sean Connery, and the unforgettable Mother Teresa, to name a few.

Overall, “Eyes that Speak” feels like a piece of time capsule I feel proud of having in my bookshelves, as it is a book I would surely pick up ten years from now to see what the world was like over the last few years.

Book Tour Schedule

Eyes That Speak

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Eyes That Speak by Christy Bowe Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours


Rajivs Reviews-Jan. 17th
American Lit Teacher-Jan. 19th
ML Book Love-Jan. 26th
We Break For Books-Feb. 2nd
 Megs Book Club-Feb. 4th
Jennifer Tar Heel Reader –-Feb. 24th
Books and Coffee MX-Feb. 26th

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