Face the Music by Brian Weisfeld , Nicole C. Kear

Face the Music

Face the Music (The Startup Squad #2) by Brian Weisfeld, Nicole C. Kear

Release: May 5th, 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Imprint
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD, Bookshop.org.



Harriet’s brothers’ band, the Skinks, are hoping to enter a local battle of the bands. As a result, Winning could get them on a reality TV show. But low funds have left them without the right equipment.

For this reason, The Startup Squad jumps into action. And so, Harriet, Resa, Didi, and Amelia quickly pull together to rebrand the Skinks and sell T-shirts to raise money. Peripherally it looks like a great plan until everything starts to go wrong. However, it Turns out tracking T-shirt orders, managing money, and watching inventory aren’t easy tasks. Eventually, The Startup Squad has to focus on each member’s strengths, act as a team, and get their business back into the groove.

The book also features business tips and a profile of a real-life girl CEO.

About the Authors:

About Brian Weisfeld:
Brian Weisfeld has helped build several well-known billion-dollar companies, including IMAX Corporation and Coupons.com. He is the Founder and Chief Squad Officer of The Startup Squad, an initiative dedicated to helping girls reach their potential and follow their dreams, whatever their passions. Brian lives in Silicon Valley with his wife and two daughters.

You can check out thestartupsquad.com for more info.

Website |Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | TokTok | Goodreads | Amazon

About Nicole C. Kear:
Nicole C. Kear lives in New York City with her husband, three firecracker kids, and a ridiculously fluffy hamster. She’s the author of The Fix-It Friends chapter book series, as well as middle-grade standalone Foreverland.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads

Face the Music Review:

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“Face the Music” is the first book I read from “The Startup Squad” series, but I had no trouble following it.

I immediately loved the book because it encouraged the reader to think about managing a business. Whether it is a small or large one, the writers provide excellent tips on managing a business successfully through good organization and planning and effective customer service. It is never too early to develop these skills. Even if you don’t own a business, these are good attributes for conversing with people and organizing tasks.

The authors also wrote the characters charmingly. Each of the girls brings something new that sets them apart. Harriet is an energetic extrovert but lacking business strategy. Didi is the shy but talented one who comes up with the designs. Resa and Amelia are business savvy and have various ideas to have their merchandise stand out. All of them have a nice friendship where they work together. I also liked the side storyline between Val and Resa and hope Val is prominent in future books.

Similarly, the authors also paced the plot nicely with the team facing challenges to buy Larry a new guitar for Battle of the Bands. However, my only concern with the story was that each of the girls did not have equal time. Didi hardly got any presence in the book. It would have been nice if she was prominent, even if the book did not center around her.

Apart from that, I adored the book and am excited to read the other two books in the series. Overall, “The Startup Squad #2 Face the Music” is a beautiful middle-grade novel worth checking out.


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The startup Squad

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Face the Music (The Startup Squad #2) by Brian Weisfeld, Nicole C. Kear Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

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Little Red Reads-Review-5-5-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-5-7-2021
Kait Plus Books-Pre-made Guest Post-5-8-2021
The Bookwyrm’s Den-Review-5-9-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-5-10-2021
BookHounds Ya-Review/Interview-5-11-2021
Momfluenster -Review-5-11-2021

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