Fae Child

Fae Child (The Fae Child Trilogy #1)by Jane-Holly Meissner

Release: December 15th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Inkshares
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Safelinks, B&N



When eight-year-old Abbie Brown discovers a quiet pool of water while wandering through the woods behind her Oregon home, now she wades out into it and discovers she’s not alone. A wild-haired boy in green stares at her from the other side of the water. Mesmerized, Abbie reaches down to him and is yanked underwater.

She emerges on the other side as an unwelcome visitor to the Otherworld, the land of the Fae, with only the boy Foster to guide her. Back in Oregon, a changeling lookalike has taken her place, bonding with her mother while her father, hiding a secret of his own, views the “girl” with suspicion.

In the courts of the Fae, a truce has long been in place between Winter and Summer. What havoc might a human child wreak in the careful machinations of beings older than time? And to what lengths will Abbie’s father go to get her back?

About the Author:

Jane-Holly, an Oregon based writer, has been scribbling stories into notebooks and online for most of her life. She squeezes in time for her four kids, date nights at the movies with her husband, and explaining her first name to everyone she meets. She believes that if creativity is directly correlated to how messy your house is, she might be one of the most creative people on the planet.

Website | Twitter | Goodreads

Fae Child  Review:

Fae Child is a lovely imaginative tale. The story is short, with a little above 200 pages. But the author makes it compelling with her writing style, as you follow Abbie and her father on their adventure. The author also paced the story nicely where you read the story from Abbie and Dan’s perspective. Honestly, there were times where I liked Dan’s perspective more, as I could relate to him compared to Abbie. While I still enjoyed Abbie’s story, I thought that it was light and fluffy. The supporting characters are also fun. I like the friendship between Abbie and Foster. On the whole, I thought this was a very charming middle-grade book. On a side note, I love the cover of the book!

However, we do not see much of the other characters in the story. As the story is short, the author doesn’t dig deep into the characters. While I enjoyed the book, in the end, I could not connect with any of the people and see who was my favorite. The story seemed to rely more on the fantasy/magical plot than character development.

However, apart from that, this was a cute middle-grade book. I am sure that this is one of those stories that kids and adults will equally enjoy reading.

Book Tour Schedule

Fae Child

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Fae Child (The Fae Child Trilogy #1)by Jane-Holly Meissner Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours.


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