Familiar by T.J. Blake


Familiar by T.J. Blake

Release: August 17, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Kindle Direct Publishing 
Source: Love Books Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Kindle



For the living, it’s closure. For the departed, it’s the last chance to expose the truth.

As long as she can remember, Arabella has communicated with those who exist only in memory.

For the most part, being the centre of attention growing up was uncomfortable.  And now, as a renowned psychic medium, it is becoming more of a struggle.  For the most part, Arabella’s ability and reputation always made it impossible to hold onto lasting relationships. But with those who no longer walk this earth, that’s not the case.

Arabella returns to where it all began fifteen-years before – on the very same stage. After an evening reconnecting loved ones and exposing untold stories, Arabella can’t help but wonder about the one unclaimed ‘friend’, and their cryptic message.

In an unexpected turn of events, Arabella finds herself the subject of morning headlines and at the centre of Detective Barnes’ investigation.

In this case, can Arabella use her ability to prove her innocence and uncover the truth about the past?

About the Author:

Living in Surrey, UK, some say that T. J. Blake has many split personalities – by day he’s a content marketing specialist, by night he could be any one of his deceptively complex characters.

His latest persona is Arabella, a psychic medium in “Familiar”. 

Also, he has a BA with Honours from  Kingston University in Creative Writing with English Language & Communications.  Moreover, he is also the  author of the five-star psychological thriller, ‘DECEPTION – A Love of Lies’.

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Familiar Review:

I always love reading a good ghost story filled with suspense, crime and horror, and this book did not disappoint.

The author made the story so atmospheric and creepy. You know that feeling you get after reading a really good spooky story? Where you feel there is some presence in the room just in the corner of your eye? The after-effects of the tale messing with your mind? Familiar did that for me!

Moreover, I loved Arabella as the main character. If there was such a person in reality, I would have regularly watched her “Arabella Investigates” series. I also liked the relationship between Arabella and Barnes and was SO happy that the author did not build an unnecessary romance between them. Similarly, there are some very creepy characters like Cassy and Dean that raise the suspense of the story.  Also, there are many twists and turns that keeps the reader on their toes. Up till the end, I had no idea who the person spying on Arabella was, and I enjoyed how it all connected.

However, probably the only downside I see to the story is the side plots. While I loved the main theme of the story, where Arabella is trying to solve the investigation, there are quite a few side stories which digressed from the plot. For instance, I liked Yvonne’s ‘exorcism’ story, and Mikey and Aaron’s storyline when she bumps into some stranger. But I thought they had no connection to the plot and could have been avoided.

Apart from that, this was a fabulous creepy, suspense, crime, supernatural thriller which was a lot of fun to read.



I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Familiar by T.J. Blake Blog Tour hosted by Love Books Tours

Book Tour Schedule

Karen and her Books – 12th Oct-Review
Snip n Stuff – 12th Oct-Review
Booky Charm – 13th Oct-Review
Rajiv’s Reviews – 13th Oct-Review
Reading Through the Lookinglass – 14th Oct-Review
Books Happy Thoughts – 14th Oct-Review
The Book Reader – 15th Oct-Review
Oh! The Books You Can Read! – 15th Oct – Review
Booklover Lily – 16th Oct-Review
Lisa-Queen of Random – 16th Oct-Review
Reading_with_rio – 17th Oct-Review
Mrus Books and Reviews – 18th Oct-Review
Wanders With A Book – 18th Oct-Review

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