Fan Mail

Fan Mail by Joseph Lewis

Release: March 30, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon,



A barrage of threatening letters, a car bomb, and a heart attack rip apart what was once a close-knit family of adopted brothers.

Randy and Bobby, along with fellow band member and best friend, Danny, receive fan mail that turns menacing. They ignore it, but to their detriment. The sender turns up the heat.

Violence upends their world.

It rocks the relationship between the boys and ripples through their family, nearly killing their dad. As these boys turn on each other, adopted brother Brian flashes back to that event in Arizona where he nearly lost his life saving his brothers.

The scars on his face and arms healed, but not his heart.

Would he once again have to put himself in harm’s way to save them?

And, if he has to face a choi, will he?



About the Author:

Joseph Lewis was an educationist for forty-five years as a teacher, coach, counselor and administrator.  He has semi-retired and now works part-time as an online learning facilitator. Lewis  uses his psychology and counseling background in crafting psychological thriller/mysteries. He has taken creative writing and screen writing courses at UCLA and USC.

Lewis has previously published eight books, each to excellent reviews and multiple awards earned. His newest, Betrayed November 2020 is a Maxy Award Runner-Up for Mystery-Suspense, a Literary Titan Silver Book Award Winner, and a Reader’s Favorite 5 Star Rating Winner. Blaze In, Blaze Out (January 2022) got Thriller-Action Book of the Year for 2022 by BestThrillers, Literary Titan Gold Book Award, A Reader’s Favorite Award Winner, an Author’s Shout Award Winner, and was an Editor’s Pick by . Lewis has another thriller-crime-mystery, Fan Mail available for preorder, and officially hitting the market on March 30, 2023, and it has already been named a Literary Titan Silver Book Award winner.

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Lewis has been happily married to his wife, Kim. Together they have three wonderful children: Wil (deceased July 2014), Hannah, and Emily. He and his wife now reside in Virginia.

 Website | Facebook |Twitter |Instagram | Goodreads 

Fan Mail Review:

When I started reading this book, I felt like I was in the middle of a series and missed the foundation, and it took time for me to figure out what was happening. The author introduces many characters and dives straight into their lives; Jeremy has a heart attack, and we meet the large family cast, namely the adopted children. Initially, I had difficulty understanding who was related to whom and what was happening with the detectives lurking around their family affairs.

However, I started liking the story because of Brian. Brian, in my opinion, was the show’s star, and I enjoyed how he is like the central, mature-minded figure who tries to do the best for the family. The author also writes his chemistry with Bobby nicely, and I loved the family drama between the siblings and the parents. Some of my favorite moments were when one of the brothers reacted to when Brian’s affection towards them or when we learned more about what happened to Jeremy and how the story connects to the explosion that takes place in the beginning.

The author focuses more on the family dynamics as the primary aspect and the thriller plot as the secondary aspect, which I found interesting. The way the author focuses on the band and the relationships and weaves an intricate tale of love and revenge makes this story hard to put down midway.

As I mentioned earlier, my only lag was learning the large cast of characters and how they connected. Once I got past that, I enjoyed reading “Fan Mail.”

Book Tour Schedule

Fan Mail

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Fan Mail by Joseph Lewis Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.



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