Fatal Fix

Fatal Fix by Graham Morse

Release: September 7, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Shipstone Publishing 
Source: Random Things Tours
Find it at Amazon UK , Kindle



Chasing the story of a lifetime could kill you. On finding  Premier League manager Tony Barker’s body hanging in his home, the police declare it a suicide. But Tony’s old friend, investigative journalist Matt Riley, isn’t buying it. Matt discovers that Tony was about to expose a huge match-fixing scandal, and a police insider tips him off about missing key evidence has gone missing. Hence, suspecting murder, he launches his own investigation. His editor orders him to drop the story.  But Matt refuses and gets fired.

Determined to find the truth, he goes freelance and soon penetrates a labyrinth of greed and corruption that leads to an underworld gambling syndicate in Singapore. He believes he is about to solve the murder and break the biggest story of his life, but others have a different idea. Meanwhile, the shadowy figures he’s been tracking have their sights turned on him. Matt Riley is in a desperate race against time  to find Tony Barker’s killers before he becomes their next victim

About the Author:

Graham was born in Swindon, England, and educated at Abingdon School. He began his career selling advertising for the Sunday Times. He then worked in sales and marketing with Unilever before leaving to set up his own advertising
and promotions agency.

He married his wife Janet in 1963 and they have four children. Graham has always been a keen sportsman, playing football, rugby, tennis, squash, golf, and, sailing with his family.

He retired from his business interests to pursue the passion he shared with Janet for sailing. They crossed the Atlantic in 2002, and after four years exploring the Caribbean sailed across South Pacific from Panama to New Zealand. The experience of visiting remote islands and cultures inspired Graham to write his first book, The Islands Time Forgot, which was published in 2010.

His biography of his father-in-law, Sir Walter Winterbottom, The Father of Modern English Football, was published in 2013 and was shortlisted for British Sports Book of the Year in 2014.

Fatal Fix, Graham’s first work of fiction, takes readers into the criminal underbelly of greed and corruption in the world of international football.

Graham and Janet have traveled extensively for business and pleasure and currently live in the Caribbean.

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Fatal Fix Review:

Fatal Fix is a gripping crime fiction novel filled with action and adventure that will keep you guessing. 

The author writes the plot in an impeccable manner that held my interest. What starts as a murder mystery soon turns into a high-speed adrenaline chase from Geneva to Singapore. Moreover, there is never a dull moment in the story. From false identities to fixing games, the author ups the excitement until the climax. Also, he progressed the tale in a gripping manner, where you don’t know how big the operation is. 

Matt is a good lead character. He doesn’t realize how his life is in danger as he goes deeper into the story. Similarly, there are many interesting characters like Tania, Tan, Sahin, Mayfield, and Buzinsky. Each of them holds secrets, and you don’t know who is telling the truth. The author also balances Matt’s professional life with his family life, and it was interesting to see how one impacts the other. Some of the scenes that stood out were when Matt meets Tan as part of the investigation; or when he finally has the dossier, and someone targets him. I loved the level of detail the author put into the story.

However, while I enjoyed Matt’s personal life issues with Susie and Callum, I felt it sidetracked from the plot. For instance, the author details the chapter where Matt and Callum go for the game excessively that could be cut short, in my opinion.

Apart from that, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and recommend it to anyone who loves a good adventure suspense novel. 

Book Tour Schedule

Fatal Fix

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Fatal Fix by Graham Morse Blog Tour hosted by Random Things Tours.

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