Forget This Ever Happened by Cassandra Rose Clarke

Forget This Ever Happened

Forget This Ever Happened by Cassandra Rose Clarke

Release: October 6, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Holiday House
Source: TBR & Beyond Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, B&N,TBD, Indigo



Sometimes there’s a town called Indianola.
By the same token, sometimes there isn’t.
Summer, 1993. Claire has been dumped in rural Indianola, Texas, to spend her whole vacation taking care of mean, sickly Grammy. There’s nothing too remarkable about Indianola: On the negative side, it’s run-down, shabby, and stifling hot, a pin-dot on the Gulf Coast.
However, there is one remarkable thing, she discovers. Something which is outside her world.

But if you leave Indianola, you forget about it. On the contrary, if you stay, you have to live with it every day.
To put it in another way, there’s a confluence of energies at Indianola, a fissure in time and space, a gap in reality. Nothing looks as it seems. Claire can figure out this town, such as the talkative lizards under the pecan trees; the honey-sweet but terrifying girl next door and finally  the cute daughter of a powerful family, who would answer Claire’s questions if she had any answers. With  the pervasive sense of history coming unspooled, like a video tape, she might never leave.

Featuring a mindbending plot, heartfelt queer romance, brilliant writing, and intricate worldbuilding, Forget This Ever Happened is a lush and thrilling genre-bender perfect for the Black Mirror generation without doubt

About the Author:

Cassandra Rose Clarke’s work has been nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award, the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award, the Pushcart Prize, and YALSA’s Best Fiction for Young Adults. She grew up in south Texas and currently lives in Houston . She writes and serves as the associate director for Writespace, a literary arts nonprofit. Cassandra  holds an M.A. in creative writing from The University of Texas at Austin. In 2010 she attended the Clarion West Writer’s Workshop in Seattle. Her latest novel is Halo: Battle Born, out now from Scholastic.

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Forget This Ever Happened Review:

This is probably one of the more bizarre, beautiful, and bewildering books I have read this year. It is simply amazing!

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Immediately upon starting the story, I fell in love with the strange “Twin Peaks” like vibe it offered. Yes, I said Twin Peaks and not Stranger Things, because after all, the story IS set in the 90s! Weird monsters living in power plants and people losing their memories as they leave town? Take about creative!

Moreover, the author paces the story in a mesmerizing manner that makes you fall in love with the setting and characters. Claire, Julie, Grammy and Audrey are dynamic as the key players and I wanted to know more about them. Moreover the author alternates the story between Claire and Julie’s perspective, so it was interesting seeing the plot from a native vs. a ‘tourist’ perspective. On a side note, I felt like I was back in my childhood days in the 90s of VCRs, and Video Games. The references to movies, music, everything was just perfect!

One of my favorite scenes in the story is when Claire goes to see Audrey, and Audrey makes her play this strange maze game that makes her hypnotic and lost track of time. The scene is creepy and eerie and one of those scenes I won’t forget. Similarly, there is also the mystery element of who the monsters are, and what connection they have to the plot. Hence, as the story progresses, you slowly start to see how everything is connected.

Oh, and let’s not forget the sweet friendship/romance between Claire and Julie. Both of them are just adorable and I could not get enough of them. Overall, I loved this story a lot and I did not want it to end.

Giveaway (US Only):

Finished copy of Forget This Ever Happened. The giveaway ends on October 12th.

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Book Tour Schedule

Forget This Ever Happened

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Forget This Ever Happened by Cassandra Rose Clarke Blog Tour hosted byTBR & Beyond Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


October 5th
TBR and Beyond – Welcome Post
Rajiv’s Reviews – Review
Kait Plus Books – Review, Favourite Quotes & Interview

October 6th
Yours A-fiction-ately – Review & Favourite Quotes
Stocked Up on Starbooks – Review
Storme Reads A Lot – Excerpt & Promotional Post
Julie Anna’s Books – Review & Book Look

October 7th
The Tattooed Librarian – Review, Favorite Quotes & Playlist
The Writer’s Alley – Review, Mood Board & Top 5 Reasons to Forget This Ever Happened
Mahkjchi’s Not-So-Secret Books – Review & Favourite Quotes

October 8th
Justice For Readers – Review, Mood Board & Interview
PopTheButterfly Reads – Review
Manic Femme – Top 5 Reasons to Read Forget this Ever Happened

October 9th
Forthenovellovers – Review
Fangirl Pixie Blog – Promotional Post
Page by Paige Books – Review, Mood Board & Top 5 Reasons to Forget This Ever Happened
Forever In A Story – Review, Favourite Quotes & Top 5 Reasons to Forget This Ever Happened

October 10th
Young at Heart Reader – Promo Post
Moonlight Rendezvous – Review & Favourite Quotes
Notes From a Paper Plane Nomad – Review, Favourite Quotes & Top 5 Reasons to Forget This Ever Happened
Lizzy Writes Reviews – Review

October 11th
Enthralled Bookworm – Interview
The Book Dutchesses – Promo Post
Paperback Jedi – Review, Favourite Quotes & Playlist

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