Friend or Fiction by Abby Cooper

Friend or Fiction

Friend or Fiction by Abby Cooper
Release: October 8th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Charlesbridge
Source: Netgalley


One creative middle-schooler schooler discovers that the best friend a girl can have is the one she makes herself in this charming magical realism read.

Jade’s life hasn’t exactly been normal lately, especially since her dad’s cancer diagnosis. Jade wishes her family could leave their no-name town in Colorado already. Everybody else does sooner rather than later, including every best friend Jade’s ever had. So she makes one up. In the pages of her notebook, she writes all about Zoe. Zoe is the most amazing best friend anyone could dream of.

But when pretend Zoe appears in real life thanks to a magical experiment gone right, Jade isn’t so sure if she likes sharing her imaginary friend with the real world. To keep her best friend (and even make some new ones), Jade learns how to cope with jealousy, that friends should let friends be true to themselves, and that maybe the perfect best friend doesn’t exist after all.

About the Author

Abby Cooper lives in Minnesota with her husband, her miniature poodle, Louis, and a whole bunch of books. A former teacher and school librarian, her favorite things in the world (besides writing) are getting and giving book recommendations and sharing her love of reading with others. In her spare time, she likes eating cupcakes, running along the Mississippi River, and watching a lot of bad reality TV.

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Friend or Fiction Review:

This book was so adorable and fun to read! The concept had me hooked from the first page. A fictional character, that you love writing about, actually comes to life and moves in next door? I couldn’t put it down.

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I loved the author’s style of writing. She wrote the book in a sweet, charming, simplistic manner. I loved the concept of “Oppservations” where the character observes something opposite of what it should be. What a unique concept! I’m going to start using that in my life. The story has so many heart-warming moments as well. For instance, I loved when Bo uses his illustrations to fight the imaginary “Can Sir” (i.e. Cancer) that’s affecting his father. Also, the various writing tips that Mrs. Yang gives Jade. I am not an author, but if I decide to be one, I am going to follow some of these!

The characters are also written so nicely. Jade is not a perfect character, but you want her to have some friends and not be lonely. I really liked how the author mentions the difference between being a friend and controlling someone. Zoe is hilarious and perky and someone you just want to hang out with all the time. Everyone in Jade’s family is also mentioned in such a positive manner, even though they are facing challenges. On a side note, I also loved the magical elements included in the plot.

Honestly, I really couldn’t find anything wrong about the story to criticize about. It’s a simple, feel good, sweet story that stands out and makes you smile. Overall, “Friend or Fiction” is worth reading!

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