From a Position of Strength by Sean Heary

From a Position of Strength

From a Position of Strength by Sean Heary

Release: September 28th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Matador
Source: LoveBook Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, B&N , Amazon UK



Lying by the pool , Lorenzo Rossi, the former head of the Vatican police, receives a surprise visit from his ex-fiancée, CIA Agent Cathy Doherty . Cathy is concerned about Rossi’s safety. 

Three nights ago, a Russian GRU intelligence officer Elena Trusova was critically injured. It was in a vehicle rollover on a remote road leading to Rossi’s olive farm in Siena, Italy.

Rossi ensures Cathy the proximity of the accident is pure coincidence. But  he agrees to investigate after Cathy reveals the Russian was a double agent. He was  working for the CIA and probability on her way to see him.

Together they uncover a heinous right-wing plot that, if successful, would lead to nuclear Armageddon.

Can Rossi and Cathy stop a president gone mad or is this the end of the world as we know it?

About the Author:

Sean travelled the world for thirty years as a mining company executive, living for many years close to Kremlin. No wonder he likes to write political thrillers. He also worked for several years in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. There he picked up a taste for Central Asian cuisine and met his wife.  Australian by birth, Sean now makes Germany his home.

Sean’s action packed,  debut novel, The Concordat, was published in July 2018.

The sequel, The Circle-A Killings, is a timely novel that comments on a world in political crisis using the framework of a noir spy thrillers in a fresh and unique way. 

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From a Position of Strength Review:

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I have not read any of the previous books in the “Lorenzo Rossi” series, but it was not hard to follow. Yes, reading the last two books would have helped me understand Rossi and Cathy’s history, but the book was entertaining even as a standalone.

The author has a stylish way of writing crime thrillers, and I enjoyed that the story is fast and exciting. Right from the beginning, as we find out what happens to Elena Trusova, the story has action, adventure, suspense, conspiracies, and high-speed chases, making it very entertaining. Each chapter has something new to offer, and some of the notable moments for me were when Rossi investigates Trusova’s apartment or the incident at the Waterloo Bridge. Moreover, I also enjoyed the mystery of the case and how the duo investigated the crimes to build evidence, like finding Francesca’s tormentor. Even the supporting characters like Lucy and Pirlo added well.

Cathy and Rossi are fun in the lead, and I enjoyed how the author portrayed them. The author adds humor and romance to the story and blends it well with the thrills. Moreover, I liked how the author detailed the surroundings, whether the scene is in London or Rome. The way we get descriptions of the foods like panna cotta, ala fregola, and guazzetto made my mouth water, and I felt I was alongside the team in their adventure. At the same time, I thought the scenes were too over-descriptive, and it would not have made a difference if the author omitted a few details.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading “From a Position of Strength” and am curious to pick up the first book and see how it started.


Book Tour Schedule

From a Position of Strength

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the From a Position of Strength by Sean Heary Blog Tour hosted by LoveBook Tours.



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