Get You the Moon by Hasnita Singh

Get You the Moon

Get You the Moon by Hasnita Singh

Release: July 14, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Nielsen
Source: Lola Blog Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, KindleBooks-a-MillionBookbub, WaterstonesTBD, Indiebound



All Scarlet Bridge wants is to get through her last year of school, overcome her brother’s shadowy legacy, and win the prized scholarship for college. She’s not about to let anyone stand in her way, not even everyone’s favorite Golden Boy, Levi Henare.

Levi loves rugby, his family, and teasing Scarlet Bridge. With a tough family situation at home, he has his own reasons for excelling both academically and on the sports field.

When Scarlet accidentally dials Levi’s phone number, a chain of events that neither expected is set into motion.

Thrown together by a twist of fate, will they come to understand and appreciate each other, and themselves or are they destined to remain at daggers drawn forever?

About the Author:

Hasnita Kiran Singh is a twenty-one-year-old living in Auckland, New Zealand. As a university student, she spends most of her time procrastinating. As an Optical Assistant, she’ll do everything to convince you to get glasses. When she’s not writing (which is unfortunately too often), she can be found baking or trying out new restaurants. She loves her friends, being on time, and chocolate fondants as much as she loves reading. She is a proud feminist, typically sleep deprived, and a lover of the stars.⁠.

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Get You the Moon Review:

“Get You the Moon” is a cute romance story of rivals who get entangled in a romance, and it was an adorable book to read.

To begin with, I think the author has a beautiful style for writing young adult romance. She portrayed the characters and the drama surrounding them in a heartfelt manner. I liked how the author toggled the chapters between Scarlet and Levi’s perspectives. Both Scarlet and Levi have a different perceptions of each other because of events that happened in the past. Yet, when they come together, they start to get past their preconceived notions.

I liked both Levi and Scarlet in the leads. They both seem to go through deep struggles, even if they don’t show it in school. Scarlet is upset because of the situation with Jack and Sawyer, whereas Levi has domestic problems with his family. My heart went out more towards Levi because of his trouble with Isaiah at home, and he doesn’t know how to approach it. Some of the notable moments are when Scarlet ogles at Levi in the pool or when she leaves the party with him with mixed feelings. One of my favorite moments is when they see the stars together or spend time at the beach. I also liked the conversations that Levi has with Jude.

Moreover, the author also writes the backdrop of school life nicely. I enjoyed how she described the football game and parties, like Levi’s incident one time that impacted his performance. The author also touches on PTSD and depression as some critical issues in the story.

Overall, if you love YA romances featuring leads as rivals, you definitely should read “Get You the Moon.”

Book Tour Schedule

Get You the Moon

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Get You the Moon by Hasnita Singh Blog Tour hosted by Lola Blog Tours

18 October
– Bookworm for Kids – Review
– Bibliophile Ramblings – Promo Only
– Bibliophile Ramblings – Review

19 October
– Living in a Bookworld – Promo Only

20 October
– Cindy’s Love of Books – Review

21 October
– #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog & Instagram @bookreviewvirginialee – Promo Only

22 October
– Jazzy Book Reviews & Instagram @jazzybookreviews – Promo Only

24 October
– All the Ups and Downs – Guest post

25 October
– – Interview
– Why Not? Because I Said So! – Promo Only

26 October
– Bubbles Wrap Her Books – Review

27 October
– Kelsey Ketch & Instagram @kelseyketch – Promo Only
– Rajiv’s Reviews & Instagram @rajivsreviews – Review

28 October
– The Reading Devil & Instagram @thereadingdevil – Promo Only

29 October
– Books Blog – Promo Only

31 October
– b for bookreview – Promo Only
– The Phantom Paragrapher & Instagram NZGeekChic – Review

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