Giant Days by Non Pratt


Giant Days by Non Pratt
Release: August 21st 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams
Source: Netgalley



Giant Days Synopsis:

Based on the hit graphic-novel series from BOOM! Studios, the publisher behind “Lumberjanes”, Giant Days follows the hilarious and heartfelt misadventures of three university first-years: Daisy, the innocent home-schooled girl; Susan, the sardonic wit; and Esther, the vivacious drama queen. While the girls seem very different, they become fast friends during their first week of university. And it’s a good thing they do, because in the giant adventure that is college, a friend who has your back is key–something Daisy discovers when she gets a little too involved in her extracurricular club, the Yogic Brethren of Zoise. When she starts acting strange and life around campus gets even stranger (missing students, secret handshakes, monogrammed robes everywhere . . .), Esther and Susan decide it’s up to them to investigate the weirdness and save their friend.



Many thanks to Netgalley in providing me an e-ARC of the book.

I have not read the graphic novels prior to reading this, hence my opinions are solely based on this novel. When I started reading this book, I did not think I would enjoy it. The author jumps right into the story and I felt like there was no time to gradually introduce and personalize with the characters. However, as I continued reading, I started to enjoy the plot and the characters as well. The plot is a bit silly, and the characters are quirky, but it was still fun to read.

The main thing I like about “Giant Days” is that it is never dull. There is always something happening with the three characters to keep the plot interesting. To begin with, I like how the author shifts between story-lines after each paragraph to keep the pace consistent. Personally, I found Daisy’s character and her story-line fascinating. I loved how she tries to participate in all the activities to socialize, given her background. I was hooked when she gets involved in the shady Yoga Club and starts to lose herself. Moreover, I also liked Esther and dramatic expressions on trying to befriend Vectra. Probably the only character who did not have much going for her was Susan. She seems to be a complex character, but the only thing that happens to her is McGraw coming back in her life.

Honestly, I would have enjoyed this book a lot more if I had read the graphic novels first. There are a quite a lot of supporting characters like Reggie, Ed, and Kully, whom I could not connect with at all. There is also so much happening in the plot that I didn’t get to enjoy the characters as much I would have liked to. However, I really liked the theme of college friendship, and the interesting phases that the girls go through.

Overall, “Giant Days” was a good read, but I felt it could have been better. It has sparked my curiosity to pick up the graphic novels and give them a try.

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