Girl With Three Eyes

Girl With Three Eyes by Priya Ardis

Release: August 28th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Vulcan Ink
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Find it at:  Amazon UK



She would hate her third eye less if it actually gave her special powers.

“In this series opener, Ardis…presents an engaging mix of fantasy worldbuilding and teenage courtship…A piquant mix of adolescent romance and adventure.” Kirkus Reviews

Sixteen-year-old Kira puts on a show about having empathic abilities, but she miraculously wakes a highborn boy from a coma after a near-fatal accident on mountainous slopes. When his father threatens to expose her “magic” to the queen, she attends the kingdom’s most elite academy as a bodyguard.

Soon, she’s immersed in a strange new life—one of being a simple student trying out for the school’s skyboarding team. However, her fake life becomes the life she’s always wanted, but Kira cannot escape who she truly is. Nothing in the court of the Raj is as it seems…

Will she risk her freedom to unmask a killer before the crown falls?

Girl with Three Eyes is a young adult fantasy series. If you like strong female protagonists, futuristic fairy tales, and epic tournaments, you’ll love this blend of Hindu lore and political intrigue in Priya Ardis’s academy fairy tale

About the Author:

Priya Ardis writes Blood&Treasure fantasy romances which include coming of age, bad boys, globe-trotting, and a spoonful of sassy banter.

She loves books of all kinds–but especially the ones that ensnare you and let your chai go cold. Moreover, her novels come from a childhood of playing too much She-Ra and watching too much Spock. She started her first book at sixteen, writing in notebooks on long train rides during a hot summer vacation. Also. her favorite Arthurian is the Lady of Shalott by Lord Tennyson.

What does she like to read? Books with fantasy and magic with a cool heroine that’s really just the girl/boy next door. Books with all the feels. And, hello, Mr. Darcy anyone?

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Girl With Three Eyes Review:

Holy Rama! This book was just amazing mix of YA drama, adventure, romance and intrigue and I loved it.

The story is a bit bumpy at the beginning as I had trouble visualizing the setting. However, things were perfect and smooth once Kira joins the Academy and becomes the bodyguard. True, I did get the “Harry Potter” vibe with Kira living a difficult life, moving to an academy with various houses, and discovering her special powers. But, apart from that, this book was fresh, compelling and very entertaining.

There are so many scenes that I just loved. For instance, the part where the old woman warns Kira to “Use the Eye or Die” was intriguing. Similarly, the skyboarding competition, and the events at the villa were so interesting. As the story progresses, you start to realize the conspiracy that is taking place, and how Kira gets caught in it. Moreover, there is never a dull moment as Kira jumps into action almost all the time. On a side note, I also love the innovative Indian terms used for the various houses and characters.

The author also did a wonderful job with the characters. Kira is so cool as the main character. She is mature, kick-ass, has attitude and very likable. In fact, I loved all the characters, like Sarita, Trace, Ajay and even  Sir Lyon. What I also loved about the story is how everyone gets together in the bigger picture. None of the characters are left out. Moreover, the story also ends in a shocking cliffhanger that makes you want to read the next book immediately!

Overall, I did not expect to like Girl with Three Eyes so much. This book surpassed my expectations and I loved it!

Book Tour Schedule

Girl With Three Eyes

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Girl With Three Eyes by Priya Ardis Blog Tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours


August 17th
Adventures in Writing >> Excerpt
Day Leitao >> Guest post

August 18th
3 Girls and Plenty of Books >> Excerpt
Lindsey’s Library  >> Review
Books & Bees >> Review

August 19th
I Smell Sheep >> Guest post
Book Sniffers Anonymous >> Excerpt

August 20th
Community Bookstop >> Review
Jazzy Book Reviews  >> Interview

August 21st
Two Ends of the Pen >> Interview
Smada’s Book Smack >> Review

August 24th
Lisa Loves Literature >> Interview
Hurn Publications >> Excerpt

August 25th
The Avid Reader >> Interview
Milioni di Particelle  >> Review
Bookworm for Kids >> Review

August 26th
Twirling Book Princess >> Excerpt
Rajiv’s Reviews  >> Review

August 27th
Book Briefs >> Review
I Can Has Books?  >> Review

August 28th
Sweaters and Raindrops >> Excerpt
Read book. Repeat. >> Review
Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author >> Excerpt


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