Greta Grace by Joanna Quinn

Greta Grace

Greta Grace by Joanna Quinn

Release: September 21st 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Emerald Lake Books
Source: Emerald Lake Books
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle,



What’s worse than being invisible? Being noticed by the school bully.

Greta Grace likes her life. She isn’t the most popular girl in school-some days she even feels invisible-but she gets good grades and stays out of trouble.

She has a best friend in Samantha and a grandmotherly neighbor who is never too busy for a chat. Her mom can be a bit overprotective, but Greta Grace doesn’t blame her. Being a single parent probably isn’t the easiest job in the world.

When her longtime crush finally starts noticing her, Greta Grace thinks her life might even be perfect.

But when a merciless bully takes aim at Greta Grace, her carefree existence suddenly ends.

Who ever knew that school could be so hard?

About the Author:

Joanna O’Reilly Quinn can usually be found learning something new to teach teens. As a former middle school teacher, founder of Super Empowered One, and life coach, it is no surprise that her middle-grade fiction book, Greta Grace, weaves some teachable moments into her character’s very relatable experiences. Think, middle school… Ahhh!Through her company, Super Empowered One, Joanna teaches kids how to access their confidence, happiness and power, so they can live their best life. Joanna loves writing, the ocean, a good run, and living in Fairfield, Connecticut, with her husband and two kids. Visit her at to learn more about her coaching services and Greta Grace.

Website | Goodreads | Amazon

Greta Grace Review:

Greta Grace is a beautiful middle-grade realistic fiction about a girl who faces betrayal and gets bullied for being unique, and it was a lovely read.

I loved the concept of the tale. Being someone who got bullied in school, I could relate to what Greta goes through. The author portrayed Greta nicely, and you want things to be better for her. She goes through a lot with Casey, Samantha, Charlie, and Mrs. Mcgee. I liked the way the author handled the case surrounding bullies, leaving a good message.

Similarly, the author also makes the supporting characters entertaining where you feel strongly towards them. Some memorable parts were when Samatha shoes the photo she took at the party to Greta or when Greta sees Mrs. McGee. I loved Mrs. McGee and the bond she shared with Greta. On a side note, I also adored how the author promotes yoga, and practicing it would uplift anyone. Even the side story between Mikey and Ashley was sweet. At the same time, you dislike Casey with a passion for the way she bullies everyone.

However, my only criticism of the tale is how it seemed to stretch in the second half. I thought the story would be over once the situation with Casey got over. However, the author continues the book and starts another storyline revolving around Courtney, which I found disconnected from the story’s theme. It will have been nice if they release this part as a second book in the series.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading “Greta Grace” because of the characters and their drama in school. I look forward to seeing how the series continues.


One (1) grand prize winner receives:

A copy of Greta Grace

A 1-hr parenting coaching session with Joanna Quinn

Four (4) winners receive:

A copy of Greta Grace

The giveaway begins September 20, 2021, at 12:01 A.M. MT and ends October 20, 2021, at 11:59 P.M. MT.

Greta Grace Giveaway

Greta Grace

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Greta Grace by Joanna Quinn Blog Tour hosted by Emerald Lake Books. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

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