Grow Up, Tahlia Wilkins! by Karina Evans

Grow Up, Tahlia Wilkins! by Karina Evans

Release: April 19, 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Source: Amazon
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



Debut author Karina Evans gives modern-day readers their own version of Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret with a romp about friendship, puberty, and growing up.

Twelve-year-old Tahlia Wilkins is ready to kick off the perfect summer at the popular kid’s pool party. But when the Red Goddess of Panties, aka her first period, arrives 24 hours before the pool party, it messes up all her plans. To make matters worse, her mom is out of town, and there’s no way she’s going to ask her dad for help! Tahlia always feared that growing up would be tough, but this is just not fair.

In order to save herself from total embarrassment, it will take all of Tahlia and her best friend Lily’s scheming to keep her reputation—and her favorite jeans—from being ruined. Sneak off to the grocery store only to have the clerk price check your “goods” over the loudspeaker? Check. Trick your mature teenage neighbor into letting you use her bathroom to ‘rehome’ some tampons? Check. Take a dip into a fountain to ‘borrow’ some quarters for a bathroom period product dispenser? Check, check, check!

About the Author:

Karina Evans studied English at the University of Delaware before going into a career in the entertainment industry. She currently lives in Los Angeles, California, and Grow Up, Tahlia Wilkins! is her first novel. You can visit her online at

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Grow Up, Tahlia Wilkins! Review:

“Grow Up, Tahlia Wilkins!” is a delightful and emotionally resonant middle-grade novel that skillfully addresses topics, and I enjoyed reading it. The author creatively tackles the subject, offering a fresh perspective on the universal challenges girls face.One of the standout aspects of the book is how the author added humor in navigating Tahlia’s journey. From her comical escapades at the store to the mishaps at Sophie’s house and the restaurant, the author humorously writes about Tahlia’s predicaments. While you sympathize with Tahlia’s embarrassments, you can’t help but chuckle at the hilarious situations she finds herself in.However, the author also balances the same with heartwarming emotions. The portrayal of Tahlia’s relationships with her friends and family is another highlight of the story. The dynamic between Tahlia and her friend Lily is depicted realistically, where you witness Tahlia’s self-centered focus and Lily’s reluctant support. The author captures the nuances of their friendship, especially as the story progresses and shifts toward Lily’s perspective. Additionally, I loved exploring Tahlia’s relationship with her father and how it added depth and emotional resonance to her experiences.The novel concludes on a heartwarming note, leaving me with a sense of having encountered something special. It also imparts a valuable message about embracing and adapting to life’s changes. This uplifting ending serves as a reminder that growth is a natural part of life’s journey.Overall, “Grow Up, Tahlia Wilkins!” was a delightful read, and I look forward to exploring more works by this talented author.

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