He Gets That From Me by Jacqueline Friedland

He Gets That From Me

He Gets That From Me by Jacqueline Friedland

Release: September 7th 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: SparkPress
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



As a young mother with a toddler and a live-in boyfriend, Maggie Fisher’s job at a checkout counter in downtown Phoenix doesn’t afford her much financial flexibility. She dreams of going to college and becoming a teacher, options she squandered when she fled her family home as a teenager. When Maggie stumbles onto an ad offering thousands of dollars to women who are willing to gestate other people’s babies, she at first finds the concept laughable. Before long, however, temptations of the extra money that could improve her life seduces her. Once she decides to go for it, it’s only a matter of months before she’s chosen as a gestational carrier by Chip and Donovan Rigsdale, a married couple from New York.

After delivering twin babies and proudly handing them off to the Rigsdales, Maggie finally gets her life on a positive trajectory: she earns her degree, lands a great job, and builds a family of her own. She can’t fathom why, ten years after the fact, the fertility clinic is calling to ask for a follow-up DNA test.

High-energy and immensely readable, He Gets That from Me explores what it really means to be part of a family.

About the Author:

Jacqueline Friedland is the author of the award-winning novels Trouble the Water and That’s Not a Thing. She holds a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and a JD from NYU Law School.

Jacqueline practiced as an attorney in New York for a hot second before transitioning to writing full time.

She lives in New York with her husband, four children, and two very bossy dogs.

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He Gets That From Me Review:

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What happens when you realize that the child you raised is not biologically yours? The author takes a new twist on this topic in “He Gets That From Me,” It was a very dynamic book to read.

To begin with, I loved how the author narrated the story. She toggles the chapters between the past and the present and switches perspectives between Maggie and Donovan. The plot is also unique and unlike anything, I have read before. The author glued me to the second half, particularly in the court scenes.

The other highlight of the story is the characters. I thought Maggie was the most complex character in the story. Even though I was not fond of her, she stood out in the story. Not only does she have to read with Chip and Donovan, but she also has to deal with Nick, the guy she is with, and wonders if her marriage can withstand what is happening. Nick is a character that just rubbed me the wrong way because of his mentality. Similarly, I could sense Donovan’s stress as she tries to figure out what is happening.

I also liked the LGBTQ representation as Chip and Donovan come across as an average couple. Teddy and Kai are adorable, and you immediately feel protective towards them as the story progresses. Even Wyatt is cute, and I was curious to see how he reacted to the situation. On a side note, I also liked the Jewish details the author adds to the characters.

Overall, “He Gets That From Me” is a beautiful realistic fiction filled with drama and surprises, and I liked reading it.

Book Tour Schedule

He Gets That From Me

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the He Gets That From Me by Jacqueline Friedland Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

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