Hear Me Cry

Hear Me Cry By Eileen Wharton

Release: 28th October 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Red Dragon Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon



A nun hiding a chilling secret. A literary agent, Katie Kovacs is ghost-writing her mysterious memoir, and delves into her grisly past. What secrets will be revealed?

Heather Parnell runs away from a commune in the 1970s. And in a disastrous catalogue of events, involves herself in the death of three elderly people. She becomes the focus of a media storm, who name her, The Commune Murderer.

Katie has her own demons. An abduction in her childhood still haunts her.  Katie believes someone is stalking her. Her six-year-old son went missing years before, and Katie was sure her husband was responsible.

Will she ever find out what really happened to Oliver? Will she finally unearth the truth about Britain’s most notorious female killer?


About the Author:

Eileen Wharton is an Oscar winning actress, Olympic gymnast, and Influencer. She also tells lies for a living.

Her first novel publishing was in 2011 to worldwide critical acclaim. And she’s won awards for exaggeration. It did top the Amazon humour chart so she’s officially a best-selling author.

She currently has five ‘lively’ offspring ranging from thirty-three to fourteen years of age. And  she has no plans to procreate further, much to the relief of the local schools and police force. She lives on a council estate in County Durham.

Moreover, she has never eaten kangaroo testicles, is allergic to cats and has a phobia of tinned tuna. She no more argues with people on the internet.

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Hear Me Cry Review:

“Hear Me Cry” is a gripping psychological thriller that I could not put down because it was so good!

Initially, when I started reading, I didn’t know in which direction the story for heading. On the one hand, you have Katie, who lives in a secluded house and encounters paranormal activities. On the other hand, Heather falls in love with Jovano, and her life spirals down. On top of that, we also have a parallel story of the horrors a child encountered in 1975. How are all these connected? The author did a fantastic job of maintaining the suspense; as the story progresses, you wonder how it will culminate. I adored the author’s writing style. Each chapter toggles various perspectives, shifts between the past and present, and progresses through letters exchanges, and I found the approach exciting. On a side note, I also loved the fairy tale-like short stories the author tells, like “Pollards Boar.”

Moreover, all the characters stood out, but my favorite was Katie. My heart went out to Katie throughout, from when she met Mark to when she experienced scary things in the house. Certain moments had me at the edge of my seat, like when Katie realizes what kind of a person Mark is or when she learns of Laura and visits Mark’s mother. Also, some scenes, like when Katie goes to the spiritualist church, gave me goosebumps. Heather was also engaging; I thought the scenes with the cat and Christina were intense. The story also has an unforgettable cliffhanger that makes it so memorable. However, after reading a few such stories in the genre, I foreguessed the conclusion. Nevertheless, the book is unforgettable, and I could not put it down.

Overall, “Hear Me Cry” is a brilliant suspense thriller worth reading!

Book Tour Schedule

Hear Me Cry

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Hear Me Cry By Eileen Wharton Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.




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