Heir of Arcadia by Deborah Adams , Kimberley Perkins

Heir of Arcadia

Heir of Arcadia by Deborah Adams , Kimberley Perkins

Release: July 24th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Rocket City Publishing
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Can Collins and Quinn call a truce long enough to survive?

Quinn’s hectic job as a special agent keeps her busy, but never busy enough to tamp out her inconvenient attraction to CEO billionaire Julian Collins. He is usually the biggest pain in her side, but he can also be recklessly charming. When Collins asks her to open a secret investigation into his company, she worries that extra time alone with him might test her resolve to stay away.

Julian Collins always dreamed of being on Arcadia, a fictional world from his favorite video game. But lately, he’s been seeing things from the game in real life. Above all, he feels like he’s losing his mind, and now is not the time to go crazy. He needs to discover the secrets hidden in the Special Projects division to prevent the company splitting into a dozen pieces.

Finally, after three years of quasi-friendship, Collins and Quinn have honed arguing into a true art form. As far as he’s concerned, she’s off-limits, but also quick-witted and sexy as hell. Still, she’s the perfect person for the job.

As Quinn and Collins delve deeper into their investigation, further secrets will lead them to things no one on earth can explain. Will they discover that searing hot kisses can be even more fun than well-placed insults when a whole new universe is spread before them?

About the Author:

DEBORAH ADAMS and KIMBERLEY PERKINS are authors of the Award-Winning Waypoint series. They are friends and coworkers sharing a love of coffee, literature, and teenagers saving the world. Both live in Huntsville, Alabama, working by day for a contractor supporting the Department of Defense, and by night writing spectacular adventures.


Heir of Arcadia  Review:

Wow, I honestly did not expect this story to be so exciting! What starts off as a simple investigation for a secret project, turns out to be an out of the world adventure to save a civilization.

Personally, the characters were the highlight of the book. I really loved Quinn’s character. She has a wonderful chemistry with Collins. Additionally, I loved how she transitions with her new found powers in Arcadia. She has such a unique power unlike anything I had read before. Moreover, the supporting characters like Alex, Riya, Simon and West also add well. My favorite supporting character was Delcie! I don’t think I have ever read a character that turned out to be a voice automated machine with a sassy attitude. I loved the way she advises the team and supports them during their adventure.

The authors did a wonderful job in blending the action and the character development hand in hand. They also set the building the world nicely while keeping the story-line fresh. You feel like you are actually with the characters as they first set their foot on Arcadia for the very first time and get used to the surroundings.

There are a few things which are still left open ended. What was Cid’s role with the documents? What transpired between Jasper and Cid? Initially I assumed it was a stand-alone book but guess it’s the first book in a series? Perhaps we will get to know more if there is a second book. Also, I felt like the war with the Draconians was very fast and felt rushed. We really don’t get to know much about Nero or their perspective.

But, apart from that, this was a fun, science fiction adventure ride and I enjoyed reading it a lot!


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Heir of Arcadia

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Heir of Arcadia by Deborah Adams , Kimberley Perkins Blog Tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

July 27th
Three girls and plenty of Books
Rockin’ Book Reviews

July 28th
From the TBR Pile
diary of a wannabe writer

July 29th
Uncharted Routes
Run Away Irish Girl

July 30th
The Avid Reader
Hurn Publications 
Lilly’s Book World

July 31st
Rajiv’s Reviews
Buried Under Books
Geeky Galaxy

August 1st
Jazzy Book Reviews
Cranky TBC

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