
Hellsleigh by D.C Brockwell

Release: 8th Oct. 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: SpellBound Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at:  Amazon UK, GoodReadsAmazon US



They say if you listen carefully at night , you can still hear the screaming…

 They recover Seven bodies  from Hellsleigh , the most infamous asylum in the country , which has lay derelict for the last 30 years

24 Hours Earlier:

On the eve of its planned demolition famed parapsychologist and author, Brandon Fiske and
his team of paranormal investigators break into the abandoned hospital with a determination  to find proof of its supernatural powers.

Local villager, Jason Hough who’s past has connection with  Hellingly returns for one last visit along with a group of university students in search of a place to party.

Little do the two groups know, they are there on a very special anniversary for the hospital, an occasion the building remembers only too well….

Because once you enter Hellsleigh, it wont let you leave…

About the Author:

Duncan Brockwell is a full-time dental technician from West Sussex. Having completed his course at Lambeth College in 2018, he started writing in his spare time. He is an avid gardener and part-time mixologist. But he  loves nothing more than relaxing at home with his wife, Beks and pure white rescue cat, Milly. 

Since Duncan started writing in 2018, he has written thirteen novels, nine publications. Unlike a lot of authors, Duncan feels he is a hobby writer, toiling away on his purple couch in front of the TV in the evenings and weekends. He wants nothing more than for readers to enjoy his various offerings, ranging from romantic comedy (under pseudonym Katie Simpkins) to hardcore blood and guts horror and everything in between (Under either DC Brockwell or Duncan Brockwell).

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Hellsleigh Review:

“Hellsleigh” is a treat for horror fans who love asylums and hauntings, and the author wrote it perfectly!

The story starts with a bang right from the first chapter as Malcolm witnesses the gruesome death of two men. What follows is the events that preceded this bizarre event that surrounds a creepy place called Hellsleigh. I enjoyed how the author toggled the past and present timeline, giving us a sense of expectations. It was also interesting to see the background of Fiske and what happened to him. The author also nicely countdowns the events that transpire in each chapter and amps the suspense as the plot progresses.

The author also adds some romance between the characters, giving this story a friendly teen-horror vibe, like Suzy and Ryan, Georgina and Jason, and Monica and Brandon. Even the supporting characters like Elena, Kathy, and Klaus added nicely to the plot. Some of the memorable moments that stood out for me were when Melanie sees the two shadows surround her, when Dion finds himself in terrible pain, or when Elesha is bound.

Moreover, the story contains many characters, and I thought the author portrayed them nicely. Each one of them brings something new to the plot. Suzy was perhaps the most entertaining with her attitude. Similarly, Jason creeped me out for his fascination with Hellsleigh. The author amps up the suspense factor when the four decide to spend the night in Hellsleigh Hospital. The way the author describes the eerie wards and amps up the horror was terrific. I didn’t know who would survive and who wouldn’t. Moreover, Hellsleigh gave me the creeps. I got shivers as soon as Melanie saw the photos and their state of decay.

Overall, if you are a horror fan, you need to read “Hellsleigh.”


Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Hellsleigh by D.C Brockwell Blog Tour ( Shoctober week 2)  hosted by Zooloos Book Tours



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