Her Last Lie

Her Last Lie by J.S. Lark

Release: October 23, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: ‎ Bloodhound Books
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: Amazon USAmazon UK 



A twisting tale of guilt, love, and lies by the bestselling author of The Secret Couple.

When the body of Jen’s teenage son, Eli, is found at the edge of a lake, her shock and grief are overwhelming. She feels guilty because she wasn’t at home the night he was killed.

As the police investigation intensifies, and her son’s estranged father reappears in her life, Jen hides a secret, while yearning to know what really happened.

Soon she begins to wonder if her son’s friends are hiding something. And after she learns that Eli had a girlfriend it becomes more and more difficult to separate the truth from the lies…Did her son have a secret life she knew nothing about?

And can she unlock the truth about what happened to Eli on that fateful night before someone else gets hurt?

About the Author:

Jane is a coffee, chocolate and red wine lover, and a late-night writer of compelling, passionate, and emotionally charged fiction. The kindle bestselling author of The Twins and The Secret Couple…

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Her Last Lie Review:

What initially drew me into the story was Jen’s character. I appreciated how the author portrayed her, taking us on an emotional journey as she copes with the loss of Eli and grapples with her past relationships, her sexual orientation, and societal norms. It added an intriguing layer to the tale to see Jen exploring relationships with other women. Moreover, her camaraderie with Jordan and André was another highlight, and it was fascinating to witness how the supporting characters navigated the circumstances.

Furthermore, I found the gradual unraveling of the mystery quite engaging. The author skillfully balanced the mystery surrounding Eli’s death with the emotional turmoil in Jen’s life, and this equilibrium was quite appealing. As the story advanced, we were gradually introduced to other characters connected to the plot. Maddie and Nick, in particular, brought an element of mystery and excitement to the narrative. The unexpected conclusion of the story caught me by surprise and left a lasting impression. Throughout the book, the author delved into essential themes such as mental health, family dynamics, and the lasting impact of past experiences on the present.

The only minor drawback was that the pacing occasionally felt a bit slow. Additionally, characters like Jack, Wendy, and Arla, who held promise, could have been more involved in the investigation. The clues came to them rather than them actively seeking answers.

Despite these minor qualms, I thoroughly enjoyed “Her Last Lie.” It skillfully blends mystery with emotional drama, making for a compelling read.

Book Tour Schedule

Her Last Lie

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Her Last Lie by J.S. Lark Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources



  1. Thank you so much for taking part in the tour, Rajiv. I really appreciate you taking the time to read Her Last Lie, and to share your review. I’m really glad you enjoyed the story.

    Best wishes



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