Highland Fling on the Whisky Trailby Margaret Amatt

Highland Fling on the Whisky Trail

Highland Fling on the Whisky Trail by Margaret Amatt

Release: 7 October 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Leannan Press
Source: Rachels Random Resources
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon,  B & N



What happens in Glenbriar stays in Glenbriar
When sunny and efficient Felicity Swan lands her dream job as PA to the new CEO of the Glenbriar Whisky Co., the dream soon turns into a nightmare. Gavin Sinclair isn’t what she expects.
Gavin’s only qualification for the job is that he’s the owner’s son. He knows he’s out of his depth but he doesn’t need his PA criticising the changes he wants to make.
Questioning his business decisions isn’t the only way Felicity makes Gavin hot under the collar. He can’t get her out of his mind. But dating an employee is strictly off-limits, especially one ten years younger than him.
While touring the Glenbriar distilleries together, Gavin and Felicity discover each other’s company is more intoxicating than the whisky. But when the trip’s over, they have a tough decision to make if they’re to ensure their highland fling isn’t simply a brief tryst at the illicit still.

About the Author:

Margaret is a Scottish author and chocolate lover who has been writing stories for over twenty years
(possibly more if you count her primary school efforts). Her early works will never see the light of
day and are locked in dusty vaults on some old floppy disks. But after all those years of practise,
Margaret released her first novel A Winter Haven in 2021. This is the first of a ten-book series set on
the gorgeous Scottish Isle of Mull. Margaret has also written five books in The Glenbriar Series with more planned for 2023.
The stories are unashamedly romantic but with lots of drama and an eclectic mix of characters. Each
book can be read as a standalone but followers of the series will enjoy catching up with the characters.

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Highland Fling on the Whisky Trail Review:

Margaret Amatt weaves enchanting tales with characters so captivating they become the friends and neighbors you long for, crafting a community that beckons you to relocate to the charming Glenbriar. Her storytelling is so immersive that I can’t set it down once I pick up one of her books until I’ve savored every word. The thought of waiting for the next installment is a bittersweet ache. This book in the series, featuring a delightful twist on the boss/PA romance, captured my heart. I’m always smitten by our heroine. Felicity, in particular, stands out as a character who made me laugh, shed a few tears, and fervently cheer for her – she’s truly remarkable.

As someone with an unwavering passion for all things Scotland, it’s no surprise that I’ve completely fallen for the Glenbriar series and Margaret Amatt’s literary creations. Whether this is your introduction to the series or you’re a long-time fan, each installment can be enjoyed independently.

Margaret Amatt has skillfully crafted a heartwarming narrative with endearing characters who’ll have you yearning for a life in Glenbriar. I found myself utterly engrossed in the story, relishing every word. This book presents a delightful twist on the boss/PA romance trope, and Felicity immediately won me over. You’ll experience laughter and the occasional tear while rooting wholeheartedly for her. While Gavin is superbly written, Felicity undeniably steals the spotlight.

Book Tour Schedule

Highland Fling on the Whisky Trail

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Highland Fling on the Whisky Trail by Margaret Amatt Blog Tour hosted by Rachels Random Resources.

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