Hollywood Bilker

Hollywood Bilker (Alex Cohen, #6) by Leopold Borstinski

Release: October 8, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Sobriety Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US, B&N



Is building another casino worth dying for?

Jewish gangster, Alex Cohen returns to America and settles in 1960s California to build a drug and prostitution empire in LA. When he gets a call from the mob to help the CIA invade Cuba, Alex must decide between family and his business associates.

If he helps Uncle Sam and the Mafia then he puts his life on the line fighting for freedom and the chance to rebuild his Havana casinos. If he refuses the favor then death will call on him, his ex-wife and their sons. Once he agrees to one accommodation then others are sure to follow. That was in a decade where there whacking of even presidents, assassins and presidential candidates  at a terrifying rate.

The sixth book in the Alex Cohen series is an historical thriller novel. It rips open Jewish organized crime involvement in Lee Harvey Oswald’s death and the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Leopold Borstinski’s searing crime fiction lays bare the making of today’s USA.

About the Author:

Leopold Borstinski is an independent author. His  past careers have included financial journalism, business management of financial software companies. Also included are  consulting and product sales and marketing, as well as teaching.

There is nothing he likes better so he does as much nothing as he possibly can. He has travelled extensively in Europe and the US and has visited Asia on several occasions. Leopold holds a Philosophy degree and tries not to drop it too often.

He lives near London and is married with one wife, one child and no pets.

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Hollywood Bilker Review:

“Hollywood Bilker” is a thrilling, action-packed novel that takes you back to the Kennedy era of the 60s, and the plot was exciting to follow.

I have not read any of the previous books in the series, but I had no trouble reading this book as a standalone. The first aspect that stood out for me in the tale was how the author blended significant events of the 60s into the story. I felt like I was in the 60s as the author mentions Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe. The tale makes you relive the incident of the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro. I enjoyed how the author mixed facts with fiction as Alex finds himself on a thrilling mission.

Alex is an interesting character with a rather colorful past and was the highlight of the story. I was intrigued by the methods and choices he makes to prosper his business or help his country. I also liked Alex’s relationship with Sarah and his children. Even the supporting characters like Ezra, Massimo, and Sam were captivating.

The author also makes the plot thrilling by including some intense scenes. Some of the fierce moments include the one with Ruby and Amy. I was shocked by some of the events that transpired as it was not what I had expected. The author built the suspense to a thrilling climax, and I was at the edge of my seat with Alex and Sirhan.

I would love to revisit these characters and read previous novels to learn Alex’s history with Sarah and the children. Overall, I enjoyed reading “Hollywood Bilker” and would surely pick up the first book in the series to see how it started.

Book Tour Schedule

Hollywood Bilker

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Hollywood Bilker (Alex Cohen, #6) by Leopold Borstinski Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.

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